Paradox Void - Part IV

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In the nurse's office , Alina was lying on the the bed with an icepack on her forehead . It was ironic how cold the whole school was on her side , in contrast to how feverish she was . She was trying to calm down so her illness would subside , but her efforts were futile . She could only think about her mother , wondering about where in the school was she , and how she would manage to survive the shadows . She was beside herself with worry , and that only worsened her condition .

However , when she saw Fuuka's Persona disappear , and Fuuka herself collapsing on the icy floor , Alina was jolted from her bed . Despite her weary state , she forced herself to walk to Fuuka's side , until she slipped and collapsed halfway through that . It was then that Fuuka's eyes met hers , and she could see that she was crying .

" Fuuka senpai ? What happened ? " Alina asked worriedly

" they're here ... Minato and Minako are here ... but ... but ... " Fuuka sobbed " they're here ... as shadows ... "

" as ... as shadows ? .... Cough ! Cough ! ... Minato and Minako senpai have turned into shadows ?! How's that possible ?! "

" I don't know ... but I can sense a lot of conflicting emotions from them ... they're hurting ... they're in great pain now ! " Fuuka hugged herself as she shivered , she was shaken greatly by what happened " I can feel their suffering through Juno ... it's unbearable ! "

" I ... I understand ... "Alina wanted to place her hand on Fuuka's shoulder but she only managed to caress Juno's crystal ball " but our team needs you ... cough ! ... if those two are shadows , they may fight us "

" I ... I can't ... I'm ... I'm trying but ... but I can't focus on them ! "

" that's okay , then please rest ... I'll tell Cid what you want to tell them through my P-Link "

Fuuka looked at Alina , on the outside , she looked like a child , but she was incredibly supportive . She had her own condition and her mother to worry about , but she willingly put that aside to comfort Fuuka . It almost made Fuuka feel ashamed of herself , as she was comforted by an anxious and scared child instead of the other way around .

" I'm .... I'm so sorry ... Casper-san ... " Fuuka wept

" it's okay , everything will be okay . I just told Cid what was happening " Alina said intently " now wash your face and drink some water , so you may calm down . Don't strain yourself , only call Juno when you feel you're mentally ready "

" y—yes ... "

Fuuka was about to stand up , when the door to the nurse's office was opened . Both her and Alina looked at the door , expecting a shadow or a student trying to take shelter in nurse's office .

Alina screamed in shock ...

The Persona users stood in awe  , unsure of what to feel or how to react to the two shadows standing before them

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The Persona users stood in awe , unsure of what to feel or how to react to the two shadows standing before them . They definitely looked exactly like Minato and Minako , from head to toe , yet their entire body was black , which somehow included their uniform as well , and their eyes were white , making them look just enough inhuman to be unsettling . A part of them wanted the twins to be back among them , and another was uncertain about how they looked , and was wary of their possible hostility . For some of them , one part was far stronger than the other .

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