Chapter one : uno

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It was early in the afternoon in the strange town of Pony Town, and today practically everyone closed their windows and slept in the comforts of their own home. Except for our poor protagonist gang who all find themselves in the back of the local gas station trying to snack on unhealthy treats instead of worrying about...

Well everything.

On the bright side, the town was pretty ethereal for a town that risks its citizens lives once a year, the stars shone bright and the sky had become a purple-ish blue.

       Ember rested her head on Car's shoulder, watching while the two knuckle heads ( Shadow and Caramel ) were debating about something that could honestly not matter less. Caramel's jaw dropped with every word Shadow was throwing at him. And Ember as usual, tuned the reckless boys out. And Eddie ? Well the cowardly deer was no where to be seen.

    Shadow scoffed unimpressed with Caramel's reasoning he rolled his eyes. Caramel slapped the ground and pointed an accusing finger at Shadow.
"Dude, what would you know about playing Uno?! You've never even played!" Shadow crossed his arms and huffed, despite Caramel actually being correct....

     Look, being raised in a lab and trying to help your friends not DIE doesn't help with the whole being "normal" thing okay? The navy blue boy shook his head in denial trying his best not to bring up another "wait YOUVE NEVER DONE ____ BEFORE?" conversation up.

    But it was too late, Ember shot up at the words snapping from her nap. "Wait, so you're telling me you've NEVER played Uno? Not even once?" Shadow had no choice but to give up, he nodded his head slowly grimacing at the sounds of Ember's surprised gasps and Car's victorious laugh.

     Now you're probably wondering, aren't these kids supposed to be running for their lives from some bubble gum haired maniac? Or searching for that one girl thats a wannabe Barbie?

Well not exactly for now the kids were simply enjoying themselves especially since they were dragged down to the upside down.

     Ember flicked her eyes towards Shadow, emerald eyes filled with a hunger for chaos. Her puppy companion rose his eyebrows with curiously of what Ember was going to say.

     The ginger sat up straight, "I've got a idea,"
Shadow blinked cluelessly and out of nowhere Ember slammed a deck of colorful cards on the ground with a grin she got busy with stacking decks for the three of them.

      Caramel's ears perked up with interest while Shadow grew tired of the games ( literally ). "Why are we even doing this? Why do I need to learn Un-" "SHHHHHHHH" hushed Ember as she narrowed her eyes at the cards like they stole her headphones. The stores lamps seemed to shine directly onto the gang. Like a crowded arena the sounds of cicadas seemed to sound more similar to the buzzing of an eager crowd.

"It's time."

       Ember announced. Turns out she was done organizing the cards, and in front of the three kids sat three decks of randomized combos of colors and numbers. "So," Car whispered towards Shadow "I hope you're ready for what's about to happen."

       Shadow gaped at the two not even knowing where to start. But it was too late he was on his own now. Well until someone showed him the basics. In a trance Shadow reached for a card in his deck, he then flipped it revealing a shimmering red card with the number six on it...

       "Wow..." the blue boy was enamored with the flaming ruby red and HIS number being on the card, maybe this game won't be so dumb after all.


       After some a short and sweet introduction to the game and what it was capable of including breaking up families and starting wars Shadow was finally prepared to take on his friends.
"Shadow are you sure you're ready? It's a brutal game..." Car cautioned his dreads swaying in the wind, hooded brown eyes warning Shadow.

"Well it can't be that bad right? It's just a card game." Shadow took his deck and admired all of his cards while his friends did the same. "They're just joking with me," he giggled to himself "it's just cards, cool ones at that too. I truly am super cool"

        Ember snorted at the way Shadow gazed and examined the cards. "Are you done yet? " she playfully elbowed her smurf companion, Car barked impatiently, "let's start already!"


screaming. wails of pain and agony could be heard from the back of the gas station. they were not ready for him. it rained blood from the sk—-




"You're just mad because I won."


    Ember threw her cards all over the place tugging at her Auburn hair furiously, Car sobbed uncontrollably, his round eyes bulging and his mouth twisted in the most foul pout. Shadow lifted one eyebrow and SMIRKED, his chest puffing with victory while his friends raged in front of him.

     "That's what you GET for underestimating me, h e h e" Shadow patted himself on the back and carefully put all the cards (excluding the ones Ember threw all over the place) until he heard a familiar high pitched rocky voice.

   "That's IT I'm never coming to this STUPID GAS STATION!!!! I hate it here, they're lucky I don't have my antlers yet." A small figure arose from the shadows.

    Shadow turned around and there Eddie was, his furry hands gripping four bags full of ... guns... The tiny deer leaped over to the crime scene, "what HAPPENED here?? It looks like somebody DIED"

     Shadow took this opportunity to flex just how cool he was he scooped up some cards and pulled a shiny red card out like a magician. He grinned while Eddie looked completely flabbergasted, the blue child revealed it "is THIS your card?"


       Eddie struggled to lift the heavy bags by himself, and they kinda reeked too. Ember covered her nose, her tail swinging with frustration "what's even IN there?"

"Don't worry about it." Eddie giggled

   Car whined with discomfort, he leaned into Ember for protection against the awful smell. "Can you AT LEAST get rid of it? It smells like my stinky siblings..."

"Don't worry about it !" Eddie giggled

     Meanwhile Shadow happily held the magical cards close to his heart, especially the shiny one with his number.

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