Chapter 55. The Unravelling

Start from the beginning

"Mommy where is Daddy?" Ericka interupted her mothers's thoughts. Tanya and Becky looked at each other.

"Daddy went to see Uncle Linden. Dee is going to give you your bath tonight," Tanya told her young daughter."

Becky rolled her eyes. "I dont see why the entire family have to be present for her bath. When is all this  madness going to stop? When she is sixteen?"

Tanya looked at Becky annoyed at what she said. "She is only four; I see nothing wrong with her father giving her a bath."

Ericka thought that her father was her playmate. He had to be present for her bath in the eveinings and spend time playing with her before bedtime.

Ericka pouted almost about to cry. "I want Daddy to gi me my bath."

"He is not here child. Dee has a special surprise for you, right Dee?" Becky chipped in.

"Yea, I do, want to see?" Dee asked the pouting Ericka. They all knew that surprises were Ericka weakness.

Ericka nodded yes. "Ok then, come with me." Dee got up and walked away. Ericka looked after her as if wondering if she should go.

"Go on, you do want to see the surprise, don't you?" Becky asked.

Without answering, Ericka got up from the table and ran after Dee.

Becky looked at Tanya. "Why the worry? Eric wouldn't lie to you. He is many things but he is not a liar. You always said that he may hide the truth by not telling you somehting, but he never lies. Do you still believe that?"

Tanya nodded. "You are right, I can't think of a time he outright lie to me. I believe that he is at his uncle. What worries me is why ... tonight and so late?"

She thought that with Eric not working he had too much time on his hand to get into trouble ... with women and with Linden. It was no secret to anyone including Becky what Linden was invloved with. He was king of weed. She knew that Eric smoked the stuff, but that was as far as she was willing to accept. She didn't want Eric getting tangled up with that kind of business.


As Eric and Lloyd walked from their  uncle's compound, Eric stopped and turned to Lloyd.  He looked at Lloyd with fire in his eyes, then he punched him so hard he fell to the ground.

"What the fuck you do that for?" Lloyd shouted.

"I am not riding home with you.  Find your own fucking way home." Eric said and walked off leaving  Lloyd lying on the ground.  Linden must have seen the  altercation  from his window.  He ran out to them and stopped Eric before he could take off in his car.  Linden stood in front of Eric's car, taking the chance of being run over. Eric stopped inches from hitting his uncle with his car.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Get out of the fucking car." Linden yelled at Eric.  When Linden used that tone, they knew that he meant business and they had better do as he says.  Eric reluctantly got  out of the car and sat on the hood.  He refused to look at Lloyd or his uncle.  He was so distraught.

"What the fuck happened since you two left my office?"

"Ask him," Eric said.

"He is fucking crazy. I dont know what happened.  He punched me." Lloyd stated.

Linden looked to Eric.  He knew the answer lay with Eric.  "What happened Eric?"

"He fucking lie to me ... to us.  He knew that Mila couldn't possible be Stephanie's mother and he lied to us that she was.  I should fucking kill him." Eric shouted.

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