"It's not healthy to repress it all. I'll always listen to you if you need to talk, sweetheart."

Jesse wiped the tears off his cheeks. Lorelei pressed her lips against his temple. It was always odd for her to have to comfort him. He always made her feel comfortable and safe. Was she doing the same for him?

"I love you," she said.

"God, I love you so much," he said.

He shifted his weight on the bed. He crawled on top of Lorelei. She could taste his salty tears when he kissed her tenderly. His lips were smooth and soft. She pulled him close, and he cried into her neck. She held onto him as he tried to fight the sobs after confronting his memories.


Lorelei braced herself for the stench of Christina's apartment. Jesse had called her, and she was coming downstairs to let them in. Lorelei prayed that Christina was sober. Jesse silently cried on top of her during the night. Neither of them mentioned it in the morning. Was she supposed to say something?

Christina burst through the doors. She had on the same ratty robe. She opened her arms and wrapped them around Jesse. She squealed with excitement.

"I'm so glad you two came today," she said. "I promise, no beer today."

"No alcohol at all," Jesse said.

Christina rolled her eyes.

"No alcohol," she said. She looked over at Lorelei and smiled. "You brought Laura too. This is great."

"Lorelei," Jesse corrected his mother.

"Lorelei," Christina repeated. "I promise I will remember that one day."

Christina waved at them to motion for them to enter. She unlocked the door, and they followed her up the stairs. Lorelei chewed on her lip, already able to smell the apartment from down the hall.

Christina opened the door. Lorelei looked around at the mess. How much did they clean yesterday? Only a small portion of the living room was where the ground was cleared. Would they be able to clean this apartment by the end of the week?

"We need to work faster today," Jesse said. "We only have a few more days."

"We have to take our time," Christina said. "We can't throw everything out. I need to check everything."

"But Mom, we don't have time."

Christina let out a deep breath and stamped her foot.

"You want to throw out all of my memories?" she asked.

"Do you want our help?" Jesse asked.

"How about we start by picking up the garbage," Lorelei said. She wanted to diffuse a potential fight between Jesse and Christina. They had just got there. "We can worry about what has memories later."

Christina smiled. She clasped her hands in front of her chest. Jesse grabbed masks and gloves and handed them over to Lorelei.

"I've been thinking," Christina said. "I would like to move to Toronto with the two of you."

Jesse's eyes went wide as he turned to face Christina. He had the mask on, so no one could see his jaw hanging open.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"I want a fresh start," she said. "I would love to move to Toronto. I can stay on your and Lorelei's couch until I find my own place. My friends have been telling me rent is cheaper in Toronto compared to Vancouver."

"Mom, Lorelei and I don't even live in the same apartment," he said.

"You don't?" she asked. "I thought that you were getting married."

"What gave you that idea? I haven't proposed to her yet."

Christina glanced over to Lorelei, who was stunned. The only time she had discussed marriage with Jesse was when they were in the hot tub together. How often was he thinking of their future?

Christina's smile grew wider. "Propose to her now."

"What?" Jesse asked. "I am not doing that."

"Why not?"

"Two reasons. Number one: I don't have a ring. Number two: I want a more romantic setting."

Lorelei's face had gone flush. She was glad that his mom wanted them married. She approved of her, and that meant a lot to Lorelei. She imagined what it would be like to see Jesse on one knee with a ring.

She shook her head and grabbed a garbage bag. She cleaned one of the piles of garbage as Christina and Jesse bickered about a proposal. 

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