Chapter 55 - The light you seek is within you

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"I'll be quick- in and out, I promise." Sapnap said to Karl as soon as the car was in park. It felt like a lifetime ago that they were back here at his old high school, walking through the halls together, hand in hand, rewriting the past.

"I can go with you." Karl offered, running his hand over Sapnap's.

"No, it's okay. I'll tell him goodbye for-"

"Bye, not goodbye. This isn't the last time I'm ever gonna see him." Karl corrected, a weary smile on his tired face. Sapnap leaned forward, gently pulling Karl in by the back of his neck so he could kiss his cheek.

"I'll tell Andrew you said bye. I'll be back soon." Sapnap said with a smile, looking Karl in the eyes until he nodded in agreement, allowing Sapnap to leave the car in peace.

Sapnap jogged towards the school at first, slowing his pace as he approached the main entrance. Memories flooded his mind and if he had more time, he might've let himself take a trip down memory lane. For now, though, Sapnap ascended the stairs two at a time, making his way to the front office.

"Hi, I'm Nick Armstrong, my brother is Andrew Armstrong. Can you call him down to the office? I won't keep him from class for very long, promise." Sapnap asked the plump woman sitting at the desk. She was a different attendant than the one he had when he was in school, which Sapnap was taking as a good thing, seeing that that woman was the devil reincarnated.

"Are you on the pick-up list?" She asked, looking at him with an unamused expression, her gaze peering just over the glasses sitting on the tip of her nose.

"Uh, probably not. I'm not picking him up though, I'm just trying to say-"

"I can't call down a student for someone who isn't on the pick-up list." She interrupted, looking back to her computer. Sapnap rolled his eyes, realizing that having the personality of wet cardboard must be a requirement for the job.

"Seriously? I'm his brother- we have the same last name! Here, look at my license." Sapnap said, pulling out his wallet and holding it up to the glass. She gave it the same unamused glance as before, probably not even taking the time to read his full name.

"Not on the list." She repeated, her monotone voice unchanged.

"Are you- oh! Cam!" Sapnap cut himself off, taking a step back when he saw a familiar face walking down the hall.

"Nick?" Cam questioned, heading straight for Sapnap.

"Hey, do you know what class Andy's in right now? Can you grab him and bring him here for me?" Sapnap asked, earning a confused look but a head nod in agreement regardless from Cam. He left without another word, turning to head back in the direction he came from.

Sapnap faced the receptionist, trying to give her a smug look, but she was typing away on her keyboard, completely aloof to the situation. He rolled his eyes, stepping away from the desk and into the main foyer.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Andrew called out from the end of the hall, making his way to Sapnap.

"Hey, man." Sapnap said, opening his arms. Andrew looked hesitantly at the invitation before leaning down, giving Sapnap a few heavy slaps to the back. They both pulled away quickly, not used to being physically affectionate with one another.

"So, Karl and I are leaving, like, right now." Sapnap said after a second of silence went by.

"You're going back to Florida?" Andrew asked, his face just as confused as before. Sapnap guessed he didn't fully process the news yet.

"Yeah, to Florida. And, uh, about dad... maybe don't tell him about Cam- not for a little while at least. Don't tell Ben the real reason I'm leaving either. I guess, uh, I guess Jen wants to talk to him and Mari about it." Sapnap said regretfully, finding it hard to look his little brother in the eye.

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