Chapter 49 - You have played the game well

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"You're dressed like Kuya Karl." Marisol said skeptically once she entered the kitchen. Even though it was only about 6pm, she had already changed into pajamas and Jen had braided her hair like she was ready for bed.

"That's because he helped me decide what to wear tonight." Andrew shrugged, hardly paying any attention to her.

Sapnap and Karl watched their conversation unfold from the other side of the kitchen. Since their movie had finished up a few minutes ago, they decided to just stay and help in the kitchen until dinner was ready. That way they could avoid having any unwanted intrusions if they were to go upstairs.

"Why are you dressed like him? Are you going somewhere? When are you leaving? Are you still staying for din-"

"Mari." Andrew interrupted, clearly overwhelmed by her series of questions.

"I'm just asking." She mumbled, heading over to the other side of the kitchen, where Sapnap and Karl were setting the table.

"I'm going to go see if he's okay." Sapnap said quietly to Karl, trying to hand him the silverware he was holding.

"No, let me instead." Karl whispered back, draping the napkins over Sapnap's arm instead of taking the silverware as he stepped around him. Karl was already to the other side of the kitchen before Sapnap even had time to react.

"Hey, kid." Sapnap said to Marisol when she slumped into one of the seats. It was clear that she was feeling bad about Andrew brushing her off, appearing to find her annoying. Sapnap could understand where Andrew was coming from, though. Andrew and Marisol's age gap was about the same as his and Ben's- and he definitely got easily annoyed with Ben when he was a teenager.

"Hi Kuya Nick." Marisol said glumly, resting her head on the table. She only had a second to pout before she sprang up in her seat, looking at Sapnap with a wide smile. Just as Sapnap was about to ask what she was smiling about, she slid out of her chair and under the table.

"Mari, what are you-" Sapnap cut himself off when Marisol poked her head out on his side of the table, waving him down to her level. Sapnap looked over to see Karl and Andrew deep in conversation, so he decided to entertain her.

"Did you ask him?" She whispered, her smile growing once again.

"Ask Andrew about his clothes?" Sapnap asked in return, unsure of what she was referencing. Marisol rolled her eyes in a very obvious way, like she had heard the saying but didn't understand it wasn't meant to be done literally.

"No! Did you ask Kuya Karl to do a date with you?" She asked eagerly, resting her chin in her hands.

"Go on a date." Sapnap corrected with a small smile, peeking over the table to see Andrew and Karl just as preoccupied as before.

"You did?" Marisol asked, using her hands to cover her mouth.

"No, no- I'm just reminding you it's go on a date, not do a date." Sapnap looked back to her with a laugh, watching her face fall. "Oh, don't give me that face. Just because two people are friends and like spending time together doesn't mean that hanging out has to be a date." Sapnap explained.

"You didn't even ask him, did you?" She asked, disregarding Sapnap's explanation.

"You're right. I actually did quite the opposite. I asked him if he wanted to just sit on the couch instead." Sapnap laughed, taking a seat on the floor next to her. Honestly, his knees were just starting to hurt from squatting for so long.

"Ugh- boys are so stupid!" Marisol said dramatically, shaking her head at Sapnap. She was a very expressive kid, Sapnap always thought her reactions were entertaining.

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