Chapter 42 - "Planets" and "stars"

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"Don't wait a whole year to see me again, got it?" Aunt Mae said with a smile, grabbing the last empty plate off their table.

"I'll do my best." Sapnap said, leaning to the side to grab his wallet.

"You know I'm not accepting your money." Aunt Mae interjected, making Sapnap freeze.

"I'm not the same broke teenager I was ba-"

"You could have one dollar or one hundred dollars and it wouldn't matter. Family doesn't pay." She said again, leaning over and kissing the top of Sapnap's head before bringing the dishes back to the kitchen.

As soon as she was out of sight, Sapnap pulled out a few hundred dollars from his wallet, partially hiding them underneath his orange juice cup.

"Think of it as... me paying my tab. Let's go before she asks who I robbed." Sapnap whispered with a smile, already standing from the booth.

"She's going to chase us down in the parking lot." Karl whispered back, following closely behind him.

"My car goes zero to sixty in like, three seconds- I'd like to see her try." Sapnap scoffed over his shoulder, reaching back and grabbing Karl's hand now that the few people eating breakfast had all left.

"It was nice to meet you!" Karl called out, waving his free hand over his head to Aunt Mae.

"You too, baby. You kids have fun- but not too much fun!" She waved back, heading over to their table. Sapnap looked back at Karl before dragging him to the door as fast as he could.

As soon as Karl started laughing, Sapnap kept his head turned towards Karl, watching his smile grow and his hair bounce as they ran.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Karl cheered as soon as they both jumped into the car, drumming his hands against the dash. Sapnap got one more glimpse of Karl's glowing smile before throwing the car into drive and skidding out of the parking lot.

"So, where are we off to now?" Karl asked, gazing out the window. Sapnap wasn't sure what he found so interesting out there, just fields that stretch on for miles with nothing in sight.

"We can head back to my parents house if you-"

"No. Or, at least not yet. I want to see more places like this. I want to meet more people like Aunt Mae." Karl finally turned back to Sapnap, giving him a smile and leaning his head against his seat.

"Seriously?" Sapnap asked, looking between Karl and the road.

"Of course." Karl said quietly, reaching over and tucking a hair behind Sapnap's ear. "I'm enjoying the Sapnap lore." He laughed.

"Moron." Sapnap shook his head, grabbing Karl's hand from his hair and kissing the back of it. "Still going to remember every single day I kiss you?" Sapnap asked sarcastically.

"My memory isn't infinite." Karl answered with a laugh. He turned his hand in Sapnap's, interlocking their fingers. "What if from now on, I just remember today. April 16th."

"I like that." Sapnap agreed, squeezing Karl's hand.

April 16th.

Their anniversary.

"I know somewhere I can take you, if you're sure you're up for it." Sapnap said with a smile, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at Karl. Karl looked back apprehensively, letting out a small laugh.

"It's not another rodeo, is it?" He asked, leaning back in his seat.

"No, it's not another rodeo." Sapnap laughed, pulling over to turn around the car. "I want to take you to one of my favorite places." He smiled more genuinely, loving the way Karl slowly rubbed his thumb against his fingers.

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