Chapter 4 - Deep in the dream of the game

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"Karl! Karl! Over here!" Sapnap called across the crowded airport, waving his hands in the air to catch Karl's attention.

"There you are!" Karl exclaimed, crashing into Sapnap. The two slapped each other's backs at first, but soon settled into the intimate hug. This was always Sapnap's favorite part- the first hug of a meet up. It could never be too long, it could never be too tight, he could cry or laugh or anything in between and Karl would wipe his tears or laugh along with him.

"Your plane landed like an hour ago, what took you so long?" Sapnap smiled up to Karl, instinctively reaching up to tidy Karl's hair from being pressed against his neck for so long.

"The plane was stuck on the runway for a while and then everyone was so rushed to get off, I just let them all go ahead of me." Karl sighed, tilting his head down so Sapnap could have a better angle at fixing his hair. It was such a small gesture, but it always made Sapnap feel special when he remembered that Karl didn't like it when anyone touched his hair but him.

"So what I'm hearing is you weren't rushing to see me because you hate me-" Sapnap cut himself off when Karl stood up straight and hit him in the arm , taking a step back as both of them began laughing.

"Come here, I'm not done hugging you yet." Sapnap said, pulling Karl in by his button up. Karl accepted the hug readily, wrapping his arms around Sapnap's shoulders once again. Sapnap wanted to stay in that moment forever. To have Karl wrapped around him, to smell his cologne, to have Karl's overgrown hair tickle his neck when he continually adjusted his head- all of it.

After another minute of hugging and their laughter finally dying down, Karl started to pull away. Sapnap looked up, surprised to find Karl's face only an inch away from his own, Karl's hands still resting on Sapnap's shoulders.

"Are you g-"

"I missed you." Karl said softly, not allowing for any space to grow between them. Sapnap was beginning to panic- he had no way to hide. He couldn't look down, he couldn't adjust his hat, he couldn't even stop himself from looking at Karl's lips, which were just below his eye level.

"Yeah, I, um, missed you... too." Sapnap said slowly, eventually just closing his eyes to stop himself from doing something he knew he would regret.

"Can I kiss you?" Karl asked with a smile evident in his words. Sapnap opened his eyes, staring up to Karl in silence. Did he really just ask that?

"Why would you- you want to- what?" Sapnap stumbled over his words, failing to even finish a sentence. Karl didn't seem to mind, his smile still faintly on his lips. The two lovely lips that revealed a smile so heartwarming, Sapnap never knew how he lived before seeing it.

"What, I can't ask to kiss you? You just want me to be a brute about it?" Karl laughed softly, leaning down to eliminate the small space that was left between them.

When their lips connected, Sapnap felt like every other person in the airport had disappeared. Hell, it felt like they were the only two left on the planet. The kiss felt even better than Sapnap ever imagined it would, like their lips were puzzle pieces that were meant to be together.

Sapnap wasn't even sure who broke the kiss, as they remained millimeters apart, catching their breath. He opened his eyes slightly to see a smile on Karl's parted lips. Those beautiful, pink, lips. Without even thinking, Sapnap leaned in again, wrapping his arms around Karl's waist. Karl eagerly reciprocated, pushing his chest against Sapnap's.

Just as Sapnap began moving his hand up Karl's back, a stranger roughly bumped into his shoulder, causing the kiss to break. Sapnap turned to face them, only to be met with-

"Hey. Wake up. You said were going to leave at 3, it's already 4." Dream grumbled, nudging Sapnap's shoulder again.

"Dude. I'm going to kill you. I was having the best-"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to bed." Dream said over his shoulder once he was sure Sapnap was awake. Sapnap rolled over, pressing his face back into his pillow with a groan. He wanted to go back, to feel Karl pressed against him, to finally be able to kiss him.

"Fuck." Sapnap muttered, forcing himself to get out of bed knowing there was no way he'd actually fall back asleep and return to the dream. He had never been one for vivid or recurring dreams, but god did he hope he could have another one like that.

Sapnap looked over to his closet, his empty suitcase sitting on the floor in front of it. He chose to walk past it, opting to shower first instead. To no one's surprise, Sapnap had put off packing. Part of him just hated the chore of it, the other part was still hoping for some excuse to come up that would save him from going back to Texas.

Before he knew it, it was already after 5am and he had made essentially no progress with packing. The only thing he had done was make a complete mess out of his room. Packing felt like torture for reasons he wasn't even expecting.

His style had changed so much since he moved to Florida, leaving practically nothing left in his wardrobe that would allow him to blend in while in Texas. All his blue jeans and plain t-shirts had been either left behind or donated once he settled in.

"Dude, I thought you already left. You're not going to get there until after 9 now." Dream said as he walked by Sapnap's room, surprised to see him sitting on his floor, clothes surrounding him on all sides.

"Don't really think that's a bad thing. Why are you even up again? Didn't you just go to bed like 2 hours ago?" Sapnap muttered more so to himself than to Dream.

"It'll be a bad thing when you fall asleep behind the wheel. Why don't you just leave tomorrow, or, I don't know, be a normal person and just fly instead? I'm up because George called me, we're out of sync again." Dream pitched through a yawn, walking through Sapnap's room to sit at his desk and watch Sapnap continue to sift through his clothes.

"Tomorrow is Mari's birthday or I would. Plus, I want to drive so I can put as much time as I can between when I leave and when I get there. Not to mention- being stranded in Texas with no car? Fuck that." Sapnap turned just in time to catch a random shirt Dream had thrown at him.

"Just remember, if you die-"

"You'll kill me. I know, I know." Sapnap said with a half laugh, throwing a pair of boxers at Dream as he left the room. 


(1,186 words) hi :) would it really be one of my books without vivid/lucid dreaming? love you always, thanks for reading <3

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