Chapter 19 - I will tell the player a story

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Sapnap and Andrew returned home after an hour or so of driving around. Sapnap didn't even realize when, but it finally hit him that his little brother wasn't so little anymore. Hell, Andrew was the one giving him the 'brotherly advice' all day.

Pulling up the driveway, Sapnap instantly noticed Karl was out on the porch, looking over the railing at the flowers. The laugh that had come so freely the last hour felt stuck in his throat.

"He's basically your boyfriend, he just wants what's best for you." Andrew laughed when Sapnap audibly scoffed at Karl being referred to as 'basically his boyfriend'.

Once they stepped out of the car, Andrew threw the keys back to Sapnap, jogging up towards the front door. Sapnap rolled his eyes, locking his car over his shoulder, while making his way to the porch.

Karl had already turned to face him, a soft smile on his otherwise apprehensive face. Sapnap did his best to muster up the courage to start the conversation, sitting down on the porch swing and patting the seat beside him. Karl followed, his arms still tightly crossed over his chest.

"You were alright here by yourself?" Sapnap asked, not quite ready to start explaining yet.

"I was hardly by myself." Karl brought a knee to his chest, hugging his leg. "But, yeah. I was fine. Can you say the same about yourself?" Karl asked, looking over to Sapnap. Sapnap furrowed his brows, turning to face Karl.

Sapnap looked down to Karl's lap, realizing that Karl had been keeping his distance. He suddenly remembered the look of disappointment on Karl's face when he pulled apart their hands so abruptly before he left with Andrew.

"I'm sorry about earlier. You deserve an explanation for... everything." Sapnap sighed, leaning forward to pull off his hoodie, holding it out to Karl. "I know you're cold, just take it." Sapnap assured him.

Karl accepted the hoodie, putting it on. He didn't pull his leg back to his chest this time, but he also hadn't initiated any contact between them. Sapnap figured Karl had all the right to be apprehensive about his back and forth reactions to affection and decided he should let Karl dictate when it was okay again.

Well, that's what he should do, but Sapnap couldn't help but lean towards Karl to adjust the sweatshirt's hood, which was folded in on itself. Before he even finished fixing the hood, Karl leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Sapnap's torso.

"Are you okay?" Sapnap whispered, his arms naturally finding their way around Karl's shoulders, relaxing into the hug.

"I will be once I know that you are." Karl mumbled, pushing his face further into Sapnap's neck.

"I'm always okay when I'm with you." Sapnap said a bit more earnestly than he intended. Karl pulled away slowly, his hands trailing across Sapnap's back.

"Let me tell you a story." Sapnap said quietly, tucking a hair behind Karl's ear before leaning back in his seat.

Karl looked hesitantly at Sapnap before leaning away, pulling both legs to his chest. He gave Sapnap a small nod before resting his head on his knees.

"Once upon a time-" Sapnap was interrupted by Karl scoffing. "Hey- it's my story you asshat." Sapnap laughed, using his feet to begin rocking the swing. "Anyway, once upon a time, there was, uh, me." Sapnap let out a laugh, looking over to see Karl fighting back a smile.

"And then what happened?" Karl said dramatically to mock Sapnap.

At that moment, something clicked for Sapnap. Maybe it was Andrew's advice having a delayed effect on him, or maybe it was the way Karl's hair blew out of his face in the gentle breeze, but he suddenly felt like he could actually open up.

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