Chapter 43 - Decode meaning into feelings

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"So, how does this even work? Where do you want to go?" Sapnap asked.

They were walking with interlocked fingers, bumping into each other with each step across the field. The air was cooler and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds less often.

"Why don't we start here?" Karl answered, a soft smile on his face. He used the hand that wasn't holding Sapnap's to point to the school on the other side of the field.

"What are we supposed to do in my old high school?" Sapnap couldn't help but laugh. High school wasn't necessarily hell for him- he played sports, he had girlfriends, he made a decent group of friends. That being said, none of it was really authentic- really him.

"What are things you wished happened in high school that you never got the chance to do?" Karl shrugged, tugging on Sapnap's hand towards the school. "Come on, it's Sunday. Who's going to be in there?" Karl said with a small but growing smile.

"Cleaning people could be in there." Sapnap interjected a bit nervously, squeezing Karl's hand as they walked up the back steps of the school. "Things I wished happened? I don't know. I wish I could've dated guys without getting the shit beat out of me. Wish I could've walked through the halls holding hands with a guy who I liked without being afraid." Sapnap answered. Despite his saddening tone, he kept a smile on his face.

"I guess you'll just have to settle for me then." Karl beamed, walking right up to the entrance and swinging the door open. Karl let go of Sapnap's hand, running down the empty hallway.

"Karl!" Sapnap said in a rough whisper, jogging after Karl when he started sprinting away from him. Sapnap caught up quickly, holding a hand to Karl's mouth when his laughter echoed through the corridors.

"Come on." Karl said more quietly, pulling Sapnap's hand away from his mouth. "It's time to walk through the halls, holding hands with the guy you like." Karl teased, intertwining his and Sapnap's fingers once again.

As much as Sapnap wanted to push Karl away and laugh at such a ridiculous proposal, it honestly felt a bit surreal that he was back in his old high school, walking through the halls with his boyfriend.

"This was my locker senior year." Sapnap paused, pointing to one of the lockers that lined the walls. "Locker 89. It was the same as my football number." Sapnap smiled.

"That's a lucky coincidence." Karl laughed, stepping forward and running his hands across the faded 89 written in bronze.

"Oh, not a coincidence. Seniors get to pick their lockers." Sapnap said with a laugh, like that was an obvious conclusion. "I graduated with like, 70 people. Considering how many hundreds of lockers are in this building, it was just one of those senior perks to pick your own." Sapnap finished, reaching out and pulling Karl by his hand again.

"Kiss me." Karl requested, not letting Sapnap pull him away from the locker.

"What?" Sapnap asked with a laugh, taking a step towards Karl.

"Kiss me like the bell just rang and you're about to walk me to class." Karl explained with a smile growing on his face, his eyes scanning over Sapnap's reddening cheeks.

"You're getting way too into this." Sapnap laughed, stepping forward and kissing Karl regardless.

"Maybe. Can you blame me? I never get to see you smile like this." Karl justified, swinging his and Sapnap's arms as they made their way down the hallway again.

Sapnap showed Karl around the school. He took him to where he had his favorite classes, his least favorite classes, and the best hiding spots in the building.

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