Chapter 28 - Respawn in the long dream

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"One more, just one more!" Jen begged, holding her arms out to prevent Ben and Andrew from walking away.

"Jen-" The two groaned in unison. Sapnap grabbed them both by the collars of their shirts, pulling them back into frame.

"The sooner you comply the sooner we leave." Sapnap said in a rough whisper, making sure to keep a painfully fake smile on his face. Jen, despite saying 'one' more, had continued to take photos this whole time.

Andrew and Ben shuffled back into place. Sapnap returned his arm to its place of being wrapped around Karl's waist, knowing that the way Ben was standing would cover it up in the photos Jen had been taking.

Sapnap's mind was still racing, thinking about how he kissed Karl's cheek. He actually kissed Karl's cheek- and Karl liked it. Sapnap felt like he was still waiting to wake up.

"Come on, Nick. You look like you're constipated or something. Give me a real smile so you can get on the road." Jen called out, making Marisol laugh from the side lines. Sapnap rolled his eyes, giving a very fake grin.

"You could think about kissing my cheek again, that seemed to get a decent smile out of you." Karl leaned over, whispering in Sapnap's ear. Sapnap tightened his grip around Karl's waist, turning to face him just in time to see Karl's bright smile and flushed cheeks.

"Alright, face forward and smile." Jen said with her own cheesy grin, looking over her phone at the four boys in front of her. Sapnap didn't seem to have a hard time producing a genuine smile this time.

"Drive safe, have fun, and Nick- don't push either of your brothers into the ring." Jen said with a smile and wave, watching as the four filed out the front door.

"No promises!" Sapnap called out with a smile, ushering Karl through the front door with a gentle hand on his back.

"I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry!" Karl said over his shoulder, despite Sapnap trying his best to get him out the front door. Sapnap continued to push Karl forward as Jen and his dad laughed in the background.

"Can I drive?" Andrew pitched, already standing beside the driver's door of Sapnap's car. Sapnap let out an abrupt laugh, pushing Andrew's shoulder so he was standing by the door to the back seat.

"Yeah, over my dead body." Sapnap laughed, climbing in and choosing to ignore Andrew's muttering.

"Can I at least have the aux?" Andrew asked from the back seat. Sapnap continued to laugh, wrapping his arm around the passenger seat, both to back up and look at his brothers.

"It's bluetooth, dumbass. I don't care, as long as your music taste isn't shit." Sapnap answered, turning around to head down the driveway. Andrew seemed unbothered by the insults, gladly pulling out his phone and connecting it to Sapnap's car.

Sapnap soared down the road, smiling from hearing both his brothers cheering in the back seat. Karl seemed much less enthused about speeding down backroads, but he had a smile on his face nonetheless.

The drive wasn't too long, only about 45 minutes before they were already seeing signs for the arena. Traffic was much heavier now, with them being fairly close to Houston and all the other people heading to the rodeo.

"Hand me my wallet." Sapnap turned down the radio, pointing to his glove compartment. Karl handed it to him as Sapnap put the car in park. There were still a few cars ahead of them in line at the ticket booth.

"After we park, I don't wanna see your snot-nosed faces for at least an hour." Sapnap said, turning around with a smile, holding out two 100 dollar bills. Andrew and Ben's faces instantly lit up as they reached out and accepted the money.

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