Chapter 18 - The player is growing restless

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Hours drifted by in a haze, nightfall somehow already creeping up on him. Sapnap had just pulled the final stake out of the ground, the bounce house toppling over on itself. While he looked completely fine on the outside, Sapnap's mind had been racing ever since his conversation with Karl.

He knew that Karl deserved answers- he even knew exactly how he could phrase it to casually exclude the part where his sexuality came into play. That was it though- the fact that he was going to be intentionally lying to Karl.

A lie by omission is still a lie nonetheless- or whatever the saying is.

"-don't have to if you're not up-"

"Huh?" Sapnap interrupted, turning around to see Andrew standing behind him, looking around a bit nervously.

"I was just saying we don't actually have to do a, uh, driving lesson tonight." Andrew repeated, looking around the yard. Marisol's classmates had all left and most of their cousins had also gone home. The yard, which was filled with life an hour ago, now felt completely barren.

"What are you talking about, it's not going to be dark for another hour. Do you not want to go anymore?" Sapnap tossed the stake to the ground, turning to give Andrew his full attention.

"I do, it's just-" Andrew cut himself off, looking around quickly to make sure no one was in hearing distance. Ben and their dad were also outside, but they were on the opposite side of the yard, packing up the other bounce house.

"I feel like you've been acting different since we talked. I feel like you regret telling me you're... you know." Andrew continued, trying to look busy by folding the now deflated structure. "I get that you said it was your first time telling anybody- and I know I was being an ass earlier, but you really can trust-"

"Andrew." Sapnap interrupted. Andrew looked up from his task briefly, quickly going back to it. Sapnap grabbed the other side, helping him fold it over. "I don't regret telling you. I also haven't been acting differently since we talked because of that." Sapnap said, taking the now folded tarp and tossing it to the side.

"Then what's wrong?" Andrew pressed. Sapnap was so tired of explaining himself today. Everyone seemed to be asking him the simplest questions that he couldn't bear to answer.

"Karl said he can tell something has been up with me. He asked me to tell him about why I was so hesitant to come back. He... He asked me to tell him about when we were kids." Sapnap said blankly, gathering up the few tools on the ground and heading towards the shed. Andrew scrambled to grab the tarp, jogging to catch up to Sapnap.

"You seriously never told him about it?" Andrew asked once he was close enough. Sapnap looked nervously over to his dad and Ben, making sure they weren't close enough to hear.

"I never told anyone about it." Sapnap said quietly, opening the door for Andrew. His brother looked at him hesitantly before entering. Sapnap followed, closing the door. He could feel Andrew staring at him while he placed all the tools in their rightful spots.

"I don't want to talk about this here. We can talk on the drive." Sapnap spoke again before Andrew could say anything. His brother looked down for around for a minute, contemplating the offer before agreeing.

The two made their way back into the house, seeing that Ben and their dad were no longer outside. Once they entered the back door, they saw Karl talking with both Jen and their dad, smiles on all their faces.

"Speak of the devil-"

"And he shall appear, yeah, yeah." Sapnap finished Karl's sentence. "I don't even want to know what you guys were talking about. Andrew and I are going to head out before it gets dark. Did you, uh, want to come along-"

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