Chapter 5 - The reality behind the screen

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"Yeah, it's just a week. No, I'll be back before we film again, don't worry. Sapnap has a PC set up out there I think, so I can do some editing if you need me to. Alright, thanks for being flexible with me Jimmy, you're the best!" Karl grabbed his phone from where he had it pressed between his ear and his shoulder, hanging up and tossing it onto his bed.


"Sean, that you?" Karl called over his shoulder, zipping up his suitcase.

"Yeah, you ready yet? Your flight leaves in like three hours and we still have to drive to the airport." Sean called out as he ascended the staircase, entering Karl's room moments later. "Karl, as your brother, I'm allowed to tell you this. You look like an idiot." Sean said, bringing his hand up to his face to cover his mouth while he laughed.

"And as your older  brother, I'm allowed to do this." Karl threatened as he lunged in Sean's direction.

"Lay a hand on me and I won't drive you to rescue your boyfriend  from his family." Sean said smugly, effectively causing Karl to stop in his tracks.

"He's not my boyfriend, you ass. I'm just doing this to be a good friend." Karl trailed off with an eyeroll, knowing that no explanation would change the way his brother interpreted his and Sapnap's friendship. "He sounded stressed last night on the phone about going to Texas, like, he said he doesn't feel like himself when he's there. Maybe having a friend there, having me  there will, I don't know, remind him he's still himself?" Karl questioned, looking to his brother for approval. Sean quickly burst out laughing, walking towards Karl.

"So what I'm hearing is your dumb 'call me every night so I can do my work but actually we just talk until we fall asleep' plan worked then?" Sean snickered, causing Karl to dart in his direction again until Sean put his hands up.

"He actually helps me focus! How many times do I have to-"

"Okay, okay. I get what you're trying to say, but at least trust me when I say lose the flannel. You look like you just stepped off the set of an old school wild, wild, west film." Sean said with a pat on Karl's back. "Are you sure you can't just confess your love to him like a normal person instead of showing up at his family's house uninvited to surprise him?" Sean continued, grabbing Karl's suitcase off the bed.

"Okay, first of all, it's not uninvited. I talked to his step-mom this morning and she was very excited to meet one of Sapnap's new friends. And second, this isn't a confession of love, this is simply one friend doing a kind gesture to make the other's life easier. It's not a confession of love if I don't see him that way." Karl justified, grabbing his personal bag and following Sean down the stairs after heeding his advice and ditching the flannel.

"All I'm saying is that both options are just as obvious but a 'hey btw I've been in love with you since forever, be my boyfriend' text is a much more financially responsible option." Sean laughed, wiggling his eyebrows at Karl.

"Can you drop the 'in love' stuff? I swear to god if I didn't need you to cat-sit while I was gone, I'd push you down the stairs right now." Karl groaned.

"Love you too, brother." Sean said while flipping Karl off over his shoulder. Karl promptly slapped his hand as the two made their way out to the car.

"So how is this even going to work? I mean, is he already there? Like, is his step-mom going to have to awkwardly sneak out so she can pick you up from the airport? Are you getting a taxi-"

"Christ, Sean, believe it or not, I actually have everything figured out, okay?" Karl interrupted, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "She said Sapnap would be getting there at 6 or 7pm, she could get me when I land at 4, and-"

"You land at 5." Sean interrupted.

"No, I land at 4." Karl shook his head, looking over to Sean before looking back at the road.

"Your flight takes off at 2, it's 3 hours long, so you land at-"

"Time zones, idiot. Houston is an hour behind us. Don't scare me like that." Karl sighed, loosening his grip on the wheel. Signs for the airport were beginning to come into view.

"Regretting not just doing this over a text?" Sean mocked from the passenger seat, noticing how tense Karl had become just from seeing the airport signs.

"For the last time, this isn't like that." Karl muttered.

It wasn't that Karl was regretting his decision. At the end of the day, he did know that being there for Sapnap would help make this week more bearable for him. It was just that Karl was afraid that maybe Sean's relentless teasing might have more truth in it than he was willing to admit. That maybe Sapnap would  think this gesture was coming from a place deeper than just friendship.

Karl knew that it wasn't Sean's fault for assuming there was more to his and Sapnap's friendship- hell, even the majority of their fans had the same mentality. Karl almost felt bad for them, knowing that none of them have ever had a friendship like theirs. A friendship where you can be honest and open with each other, where they can always make you feel comfortable. A friend who loves you and wants the best for you, one who makes you feel safe. Karl almost pitied those who never had a friend like that.

Karl was thankful that the words of people online or even their friends never got to Sapnap. Karl valued what they shared and recognized how lucky he was to have a friend as special as Sapnap. As long as he had Sapnap as his best friend, he could get through anything.

"Text me when you land. This might be a shock, but I do care if you get there in one piece. I also expect a play by play on how everything goes." Sean said, unbuckling his seat belt to get into the driver's seat.

"There isn't going to be anything to say. We're just going to hang out. I don't know, maybe he'll show me where he went to school or the places he hung out at." Karl shrugged, popping the trunk to get his luggage.

"All I'm saying is if he doesn't run into your arms and kiss you when he sees you, he's not worth it." Sean said with a grin, causing Karl to roll his eyes. "Okay, maybe not kiss you, well, not right away at least." Sean nudged Karl one last time before getting into the driver's seat.

"Jesus Christ, Sean-" Karl stopped, pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out a long exhale. "Buffy's feeding schedule is on the fridge. Don't throw any parties and please don't kill my cat." Karl sighed, holding onto the car door. Sean nodded in agreement and Karl shut the door for him.

"I can do this." Karl whispered to himself as he watched Sean drive away, turning and heading into the airport. 


(1,223 words) hi :) oooo getting a sneak peek at Karl's perspective. also to clarify- sean teases karl about his and sapnap's friendship in a lighthearted way-not a homophobic way. sean knows karl is straight and believes sapnap is also, he just thinks that its funny to point out how affectionate they are with one another and say they're 'in love' to make karl mad. gotta love younger brothers lmao

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