Chapter 23 - Give it a body, again

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Karl had always known that physical touch was important to him. It was how he wordlessly told people he loved them, he cared about them, he was thinking about them. He also felt the best when that was how people showed love to him.

He felt a sense of pride about how he was able to convert even his most conservative friends into people who appreciated affection. Whether it was hugs, holding hands, an arm around their shoulder, anything- Karl was happy seeing others feel loved the way he did.

When it came to Sapnap, Karl felt like he might've finally met a person he couldn't convert. Sapnap was potentially the most standoffish and stiff friend he had met in person. Sapnap's whole body would go rigid every time Karl even came near him- like he was tensing up in preparation for whatever Karl had planned.

It was Sapnap's last night in North Carolina on his very first trip up when Karl was just about to throw in the towel, to finally admit defeat, and accept that maybe some people just don't like physical touch.

But that was when it happened.

Karl and Sapnap were sitting in his living room, watching some random cartoon. Karl looked over to see Sapnap nearly asleep on the other side of the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around himself.

Karl crawled across the couch as stealthily as he could, doing his best to not wake Sapnap. He draped the blanket he had been using over Sapnap's lap, reaching over his chest to adjust the blanket.

Sapnap must've felt Karl leaning over him, because he reached up and hooked one arm around Karl's waist. Karl didn't even have time to react, finding himself hovering his hands in the air to avoid touching Sapnap.

"We can share." Sapnap mumbled through a yawn, using his free hand to open the blanket for Karl, inviting him to lay down with him. Karl didn't really have much of a choice but to accept, seeing that Sapnap's arm was still weighing heavily around his waist- and it didn't seem like he would be letting go anytime soon.

As soon as Karl let himself relax into the embrace, Sapnap was completely wrapped around him, back to being fully asleep in less than a minute. Ever since then, Sapnap had only seemed to become more comfortable with affection around Karl.

Karl even felt a bit special, considering that Sapnap had continued to be just as cold shouldered to the rest of their friends.

Now, present day, Karl was pressing his hands against Sapnap's chest, one of Sapnap's arms holding him firmly around the waist and the other running through his hair. Karl felt like there was no other place in the world he would rather be.

So you can imagine Karl's disappointment when Sapnap pulled away completely, getting out of the bed altogether after Andrew's abrupt intrusion.

"Did you at least go down and get some juice earlier?" Sapnap asked over his shoulder, changing out of his pajamas. Karl turned around on the bed, letting his legs dangle off the edge.

"Hey, I didn't wake up long before you did." Karl shrugged, trying to hide his laugh as Sapnap dug through his suitcase, making a complete mess out of everything. Sapnap had always been so neat, organized, and orderly- except when it came to traveling.

"Well, you're definitely eating lunch, so no complaining if you get a stomach ache." Sapnap scoffed, finally standing up with the shirt he had been searching for. Sapnap quickly pulled it over his head, making his wild bed head stick up even more. "You just gonna sit there?" Sapnap asked.

"I'm thinking." Karl said quietly, looking over Sapnap's face. Karl wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through Sapnap's hair until it looked presentable. But other than that, Karl had also been thinking about their morning.

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