Chapter 29 - There you are

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"So, a rodeo is just a carnival but the only clown here is you?" Karl asked, ripping off a piece of Sapnap's cotton candy. Sapnap nudged his shoulder into Karl, making Karl sway a bit.

"Moron." Sapnap said with an eye roll, despite the smile on his face. "But, yes, a rodeo is essentially just a carnival." He finished.

Sapnap knew that any other time, he would go to great lengths to explain all the reasons a rodeo is not just a carnival and what makes it different and significantly better. However, at that moment in time, all he could think about was the way Karl's hand brushed against his own with each step they took.

If they were in North Carolina, Florida, or even the UK, he wouldn't hesitate to reach over and intertwine their fingers. Sapnap really hated that he was still so fearful of what could happen to either of them if they were to show any form of PDA.

Karl reached over and not so sneakily took another piece of Sapnap's cotton candy, resulting in Sapnap finding a smile creeping up on him again. Getting the chance to even just walk next to Karl was enough to pull him out of any bad mood.

"Follow me, I wanna show you something." Sapnap said, bumping his shoulder into Karl's to get his attention. Karl looked around eagerly, turning to walk in the new direction.

This area was a bit more crowded, which Sapnap expected. He was quite thankful for it too, seeing that it meant Karl was constantly leaning into him to avoid bumping into strangers.

"We're here." Sapnap said, stopping in his tracks. Karl looked around aimlessly for a bit, eventually looking back to Sapnap with a raised eyebrow. They were surrounded by families, small kids running by them, but nothing that seemed to be of significance.

"Where is here?" Karl asked with a nervous laugh, fully pressing himself into Sapnap's side when a group of kids pushed past them.

"You're going to pet a bull." Sapnap said with a smile, wrapping his arm around Karl's waist- not because he had been thinking about doing that for the last hour, no, it was simply to help Karl keep his balance in the crowd.

"I'm going to what?" Karl asked, his attention instantly being pulled to the sound of excited screams and huffing from a bull just behind them. There was a break in the crowd, two men walking up holding onto ropes tied around a bull's mouth.

Karl practically jumped into Sapnap's arms, attempting to get away. As Karl tried to push back, the crowds around them were pushing forward, making it impossible to get away. Karl had wrapped both his arms around Sapnap's shoulders, his face buried in the crook of Sapnap's neck. Meanwhile, Sapnap had both arms around Karl's waist, trying to get him to turn around and face the bull.

"Nothing to be afraid of, it's not a fighting bull." Sapnap said with a laugh, pushing Karl forward gently. "One pet and we can go." Sapnap offered, leaning his head back to see Karl's face.

"It's not going to go rogue and throw someone- throw me into the air, promise?" Karl asked with clear panic on his face. Sapnap couldn't help but laugh, no matter how serious he knew Karl was being.

"I promise, there is a zero percent chance of that happening." Sapnap said with a smile. He almost felt disappointed when Karl unwrapped himself from around his shoulders, moving hesitantly towards the bull.

"He won't bite." One of the men holding the ropes said as Karl approached. They seemed to be equally as amused by Karl's hesitance, seeing that young children were walking directly up to the bull with less fear than him. Sapnap stood back and watched as Karl let out a nervous laugh, reaching out his hand slowly towards the bull's face.

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