Chapter 47 - And the universe said...

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"I, uh, don't really have much to choose from- but you're welcome to look through it." Karl said with a small laugh, returning to Andrew's room with his suitcase.

"Thanks for doing this." Andrew said after a second, staring at the suitcase Karl had placed on his bed.

"Yeah, no problem." Karl answered quietly. An awkward silence began to grow as neither of them moved.

"So... what's the vibe you're going for?" Karl asked, breaking the silence. He stepped forward, opening his suitcase. He figured that Andrew wasn't going to be the one to do it, so he may as well start piecing together an outfit.

"Just, uh, casual? You know." Andrew looked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. Karl stopped sifting through his bag, slowly turning around to face Andrew.

It was obvious that Andrew was hoping for more than a 'casual' outfit, considering he recruited Karl's wardrobe and advice. Sapnap may not want to ask Andrew about his sexuality, but that didn't mean Karl couldn't.

"What's their name?" Karl asked, fighting back a smile when Andrew instantly looked down.

"My friend's name?" Andrew asked back after a second, letting out a forced laugh. He finally stepped forward, suddenly appearing to be very interested in Karl's clothing options.

"Yeah, what's-"

"How about this shirt?" Andrew interrupted, clearly picking up the first shirt he saw. Karl let out a small laugh when he realized what Andrew had grabbed.

"Well, that would be your brother's t-shirt I slept in the other night. I guess I wasn't paying attention when I was getting my clothes together." Karl smiled, taking the shirt out of Andrew's hand. Karl headed towards Andrew's closet, browsing through his clothes.

"Cameron." Andrew said, sitting on the bed next to Karl's suitcase. Karl paused, quickly resuming flicking through the clothes Andrew had hanging up.

"Okay. How does Cameron dress? Maybe I can build an outfit off of that." Karl asked, looking over his shoulder at Andrew.

"I, uh, don't know." Andrew answered, pulling out a dark green button up from Karl's suitcase.

"You don't know what kind of clothes your friend wears?" Karl laughed, looking at the shirt Andrew had picked. He headed away from the closet, going to Andrew's dresser instead. When Andrew was letting him go through his clothes for the rodeo, he remembered seeing a pair of black jeans, which would go well with that shirt.

"I've only seen Cameron on the field. Their practice starts as soon as football finishes, so we've only really talked when we had our uniforms on." Andrew nodded slowly, looking up when Karl approached with the pants.

"Gold looks better with green than silver." Karl said, handing Andrew the pants and lightly tugging on the silver chain Andrew was wearing. "I've got some necklaces and other jewelry in that pouch." Karl pointed to his suitcase before heading back to shut the dresser drawer.

"Cameron must be a new kid at school, right? Otherwise you would've seen them in class or the halls before." Karl pressed the conversation a bit more, leaning against the dresser. Andrew hesitated for a moment, quickly going back to looking at Karl's jewelry options.

"In a way, yeah." Andrew nodded again, a small smile on his face. Karl squinted at him, trying to decipher what the smile meant. At this point, Karl was sick of the little mind-games everyone in the Armstrong household seemed to love playing. 

"Okay, I'm not like your brother- I don't do cryptic messages and beating around the bush." Karl finally broke, walking over and sitting on the other side of the bed from Andrew. "When we were getting ready for church this morning, you said we would burn- not just me and Sap. Maybe you didn't intentionally word it that way... but if you did, I'd really like to hear more about Cameron, if you want to talk about... him." Karl said slowly, finally looking at Andrew.

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