𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟓. 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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"Did you pack my eye mask?"

"Yes chiara."

"Oh my god what about my toothbrush?"

It's been five minutes since we sat down in the taxi, and she's already about to lose her mind- as am I if she doesn't stop talking. I love my wife more than anything in the fucking world, but she stresses out way too fucking much sometimes.

"Chiara you know if I did forget it, I could just buy you another one right?"

"But that toothbrush is my favourite and it doesn't hurt my teet-

"I packed it." I reply pulling her side into my chest. she lets out a sigh deeper than the ocean, and I pray up to the lord above that she let go of every worry along with it.

The sigh was the last thing I heard from her until we arrived at the gate, I don't blame her for falling asleep- the woman has been up since three am after all.

It's around four thirty right now and our plane is taking off from a different location than usual as we're heading in the opposite direction than Italy was. Meaning we've just had to drive a bit further out.

Of course having a private jet means you can fly at any time of day you want, but Chiara being Chiara wanted to fly in the dark hours of the morning because -and I quote "it's way more exciting."

Me being me of course sacrificed my sleep, what can I say except husband of the year award please?

It's nearing five and we've just arrived, I help her out of the car whilst our driver takes care of the luggage. It's currently November 22nd and we're going for exactly one month, so we'll be back in time for Christmas without missing out on the New York Christmas magic.

She almost misses the step but I catch her before she could do anything but stumble. The minute we're inside the warm jet I practically fall onto the leather seat, and it's a good job they're larger than necessary because in a plane full of seats Chiara also happens to want mine.

She looks too fucking cute today, dressed in a matching white sweater and short co-ord by palm angels (from yours truly) some long socks and Louis sliders which were only necessary for the walk here since one's already half way across the aisle.

She pulls her legs up onto the seat, curling right up to me. I stroke her soft tanned legs, she looks as tempting as ever; and if it wasn't five am I'd happily make her a member of the mile high club.

That's one thing on my bucket list, I'm obviously already on it but it's my goal to have her join me.

"Don't go to sleep yet amore we need to take off first." I say whilst picking her up and plonking her down gently into the seat beside me. The flight attendant hands me a blanket that I wrap around her quickly before sitting back down ready for take off.

It ends as quickly as it began and the minute the seatbelt sign stopped glowing red Chiara was walking back towards me, this time dragging her blanket behind her like a little child on Christmas morning.

I pull her closer and she's soon tucked beside me with her blanket. I'm second to fall asleep, only re-opening my eyes almost five hours later once we've landed in the only place we're headed for.

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