𝟎𝟔. 𝐀𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞

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Once we've made our way out of that daunting boardroom, Lorenzo shows me to what I'll be calling my bedroom for the next few days, and I knew from the size of the door alone, that it was nothing less than whatever else this house was made of.

The door flies open and the first thing I spot is tulle. Lots of white tulle draping down both posts of what I guess is my king sized bed. The sheets are a matching white linen, and there's a tall lamp placed in the corner by the oak bed side table—besides that, a comfortable single chair. Grey, material, bucket seat type of thing with an Hermes blanket thrown over the arm rest.

I look around, it's basic but it's clean and peaceful, and that's all that really matters.

Lorenzo pushes the handle down to the connecting bathroom, and the six drop down ceiling lights flash on. The bath stands alone, a white tub accompanied with gold handlebars. I catch the way my earrings twinkle through the mirror as they bounce off of the light. It's pristine, I wonder whether it's just been built or if the last person had a thing for organisation. Then I remember Leandros proposal and the matching label-less shampoo and conditioner suddenly become far less intriguing.

"Is this okay for you Ma'am?" Lorenzo double checks once we're back in the bedroom, body facing the door as he prepares his exit.

"Yeah, of course. It's more than okay." I'm still studying this place, more, the second door on the right that Lorenzo never payed attention to.

"Good." He smiles back. We're so close I spot a few of the silver hairs hidden in his beard, and my assumption that he's the older brother is proven correct.

"Dinner will be served at eight." I don't say anything, and attempt to hide the way my face dropped. Eating is the last thing on my mind, and the thought makes me feel pretty sick. But I know Lorenzo won't accept that, so I nod and he leaves.

My body is soaked by the mattress beneath me, and my head is still sinking into the pillows as I fight back the temptation to drift off right now. I notice the ceiling is plastered with engraved spirals and a few other patterns I can't quite work out; all intricately designed and beautiful.

Just when I thought this room couldn't get any better, I drew back the curtains. The most beautiful sunset had been painted across the sky tonight, and Ive surely got the best view in the home.

Red, yellow, orange and everything in between; blended to perfection amongst clouds of soft white decorating the new evenings sky whilst reflecting off the surface of the pool in the back yard.

This room was perfection, Universally different from the one I left in a tip back home. Although the interior is mainly white- my favourite colour may I add, it still offers a comforting aurora.

But that may just be because for the first time in over half a decade I knew I could exit my room and be amongst others. I could feel their buzz, hear distant conversations and smell each of their individual scents. For the first time in years I didn't feel so alone, confined between four blank walls.

My attention turns towards the door which has just been knocked on from the outside. I walk towards it and turn the handle to meet the first girl I've seen since I signed off my shift at 'Café De Zoe' earlier this morning. Her hair was golden blonde, styled in neat ringlets that lay just below her shoulder, shining with health. Her piercing blue eyes stung my insecure brown ones as I thoroughly examined her snatched body up and down.
I must have done all of this in the period of about ten seconds, because before I knew it she had her long silky arms wrapped around my neck as she introduced herself.

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