𝟏𝟏.𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬t

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"Chiara you're not thinking properly right now, let's talk about this when we get home." Leandro replies

"No. I am thinking very clearly thank you and the answer will still remain a yes. I can't live the rest of my life running from these men Leandro, if I don't take your offer of protection then I fear I won't be here much longer. Please." I'm practically begging for an idea that he proposed.

"Ok, ok Chiara. We'll discuss more when we get back home, for now just relax amore." So I do as he says and reposition my head into the crane of Leandros neck, I feel my eyes slowly begin to close and the next time I open them I'm laying on my bed with Leandro beside me.

"You're awake" he whispers softly. How long have I been asleep for?

"What time is it?" I ponder

"Just hit seven." Leandro replies. I've been knocked out for a good couple of hours then. "How are you feeling?"

I thought I was ok until I twisted my neck to face him, when I remembered the large hands that suffocated my throat not so long ago. "I'm fin- aah shit." I hadn't taken a look in the mirror yet, but I could tell I had bruises galore.

"Don't do that chiara!" He suddenly sits up "let me see." He says whilst gently moving my hair out of the way. He's furious. I can see it through the way his chest is moving up and down rapidly through his shirt, and he's stopped breathing through his mouth completely. Heavy sniffles of air escape out of his nose second after second until I put my arm out to calm him down.

"It's alright," I laugh nervously "they can't hurt me again. You killed them." I laugh again. Remembering the threat he made to anyone who was to hurt me, he really did pull through.

"I killed some, that's not all Chiara. And I won't rest until they're all gone." There's an awkward silence until he continues. "I think we should talk about what you said earlier, if you even remember what you sai-

"Yes Leandro, my answer is still yes. And there's nothing you can do or say to influence me otherwise. I want to live to see twenty three you know." I smile

"Chiara, I'll make sure you live to see ninety three." He says with dead serious but there's a slight hint of a smile on his face.

"I'll marry you, I will. But there's a few conditions I have too De Santo" His eyebrows raise in amusement, as he shifts up to listen to my list of rules I have for him.

"Go ahead amore"

"You will propose to me in the traditional way. I have not lived over two decades of my life dreaming of the day my man will get down on one knee, in the middle of the most romantic set up. Only to have you put a ring on my finger whilst I'm half asleep, not happening Leandro."

"Are you joking Chiara?!" He's laughing but he sounds serious, "when a man in this family bows to one knee for a woman it's a whole grand occasion, it's a sign of respect, it's a sign of true love and honour. It's a way of telling the world that this woman is mine, and I'd kill for her."

"Well then you should have no problem with doing it" I retort, "You're marrying me Leandro." I say with a big emphasis, clearly he seems to have forgotten.

"Mmmmh" is all I get back from him so I continue,

"We're in the beginning of June right now, and I guess that we can't leave the wedding too long but I don't want to be stressed. So the wedding will happen in July." I look up to him to see if he's okay with that, he gives me a nod in agreement. I stand up and start walking towards my bathroom, I could really do with a shower.

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