𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐. 𝐍𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢

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I pull off the blindfold thats been securely attached to me for the last hour, and my eyes widen at the sight before me.

Red rose petals that start from the doors entrance, leading all the way through this room, around the bed and continue on to the sliding glass windows; that are currently covered with curtains.

"Leandro did you do this?!" I ask, turning to face a very tired but excited looking Leandro. He gives me that perfect smile, the one that answers my question without needing words and my arms shoot up around his neck.

"Don't go thanking me yet, we could be in Antarctica and you wouldn't know until you follow the trail amore." He chuckles into my hair and I smile, he would never choose Antarctica as our honeymoon destination.

He better not.

I let him go and turn back to the romantic scene behind me. Taking the first few steps towards the balcony doors that I didn't realise were actually open, the only thing covering the hopefully beautiful view is this burgundy curtain.

"Open it baby."

I draw back the velvet curtain, my eyes grow bigger than my heart when my vision falls upon stacks of paper white homes over looking the coast. With blue dome roofs and a whole load of bright pink Bougainvillea trees.

We're in Greece!

Santorini to be exact.

I jump up and down on the spot, before practically throwing myself onto Leandro. He catches me as if he knew it was coming as my legs wrap around his torso whilst he sways me side to side.

"How did you know?" I ask through tears I didn't even realise were falling, I have always wanted to come to Greece.

"You spill a lot of information when you're drunk amore." He laughs and I could smack myself, but I don't really care because my blabber mouth has landed me in Greece.

"Thank you so much." I say through sniffles, ones that Leandro clearly doesn't approve of even though every single salty tear that rolls down is out of pure joy.

"No crying amore, no crying in Santorini." He smiles wiping away every tear until I interrupt him, smashing my lips against his because no amount of words could express my gratitude to this man.

He kisses me back as if he never has before, which is ironic considering last night. I only break the kiss to breathe, when he slides me down and we make our way out onto this iconic balcony.

It's nearing evening, yet the golden sun still shines. Hitting the spot on my back, sending warm flutters across my skin. I look up at the man that made all of this possible, fuck how can you love somebody so much it makes you feel irrational. Like you'd lay your whole life out for them, just because he smiled.

"I love you so much it hurts." I speak my thoughts out loud, but for some reason the smile that just rose on Leandros face has washed away every molecule of embarrassment I felt.

Suddenly I'm getting scooped up into the only arms I'll ever be able to fall asleep in. He dots kisses all around my face and neck as he carries us back into the hotel room making me giggle.

But the next few words that leave Leandros mouth steal my smile, as well as my breath.

"I love you so much too, but it doesn't hurt,

it heals."

— — —

It's a new day in Santorini, yesterday we spent the whole day exploring. And I'm talking old school, walking around til your legs ache so much your husband has to carry you type of exploring.

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