𝟐𝟖. 𝐏𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲

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After a very tiring night, me and Leandro both fell asleep in each other's arms once we had finished in the shower. Separately of course- though I have always wanted to have shower sex.

The sun peeks in through the blinds and I groan at the fact that those eleven hours of sleep felt like one. I open my eyes wide enough to be able to make out the shapes in our bedroom, and a small smile creeps up on my face at the sight of Leandro sleeping peacefully beside me.

Even whilst not being in a full state of consciousness he still looks as good as ever. With those strong cheek bones that magically disappear whenever he smiles, to the way his soft plump lips rest in a slight pout as he dozes. The only thing I don't like is the fact his grassy eyes are concealed- though the way his eyelids fall and his long eyelashes flutter gently is just as adorable too.

Sometimes I think I could just lay here and admire him forever. But unfortunately, I know that's not on the schedule today.

Scootibg my body impossibly closer to his, I  wrap an arm right under his body, practically burying my face into his bare chest. He's rock hard thanks to those toned muscles, and the whole of his torso is far from soft but I guess I can't complain. Soft or not, there's still no one else I'd rather rest on.

He wraps both his arms around my waist, taking me by surprise as he rolls us over a couple of times until I'm underneath him before attacking me with soft kisses and I can't help but laugh uncontrollably. This is his new morning routine, I don't know what he gets out of it but I think I'm gaining abs from the laughter.

"Okay okay, stop please." I plead from underneath him and he finally lifts himself up off my body, until he's hovering above me with a wide grin smile.

I brush my hand through his soft hair and smile at the sight of seeing him so happy when we have a day so tough in front of us.

"Why do you do that every morning?" I think out loud, and he lets out a quiet laugh.

"Why shouldn't I? What if I want to wake up to the sound of your laugh everyday?" He asks and I feel my cheeks flush with heat, like someone pressed a steaming pan to the both of them. I turn my face until it's merging into the mattress to hide the sight of my blush, but it doesn't stay there long before Leandros hand gently turns it back into view.

"Good morning, Angelo" ("angel") he says and my heart pounds in my chest. I don't think Leandro has ever called me angel before, maybe it's because I told him it's what my father would call me. I always thought it would hurt to hear it again but much to my surprise it didn't, just a little surprising.

"Good morning, diavolo" ("devil") I tease, relishing in the way his tongue bulges out from the inside of his cheek, and a daring smile rides across his face.

"Diavolo, yeah?" He asks whilst shaking his head in the most intimidating way, and for a moment I almost forget how to breathe.

"You sure?" He prods as I fight the force he's holding over me by nodding my head yes.

"Very." I rub it in even more, watching as his eyes glow with mischief and disbelief.

"You know," I continue "who's the one who put two- two of many actually- men in their basement last night?" I remind him, and thrill at the sight of his lips quivering with the urge to laugh.

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