𝟏𝟓. 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡

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A/N: there's a lot of switching between Leandro and Chiaras POV but you will always know when it is as I title it with their names :)

P.S get ready for some emotional damage.

PP.S I included that photograph bc it
reminded me of Chiara and Arlette *cute sigh*


Fuck. How did I know they would show up for the golden girl today out of all days. How they know about this celebration will be a question for later, either they've been keeping close tabs on our whereabouts or we have a mole in the house.

I'm praying it's not the latter.

But for now I need to focus on one thing and one thing only- Chiaras safety.

"Lorenzo take Chiara go!"

I can hear her try to argue against my order so I quickly run and tell her that she needs to listen. If they see her here they'll try take her, if not worse. We need to get her out of sight.

Once Chiara's out the room I make my way over to the front entrance where they all stand. Mattia, Alejandro and the rest of my men stand face to face with Enzo's. They make way for me to stride through the middle, gun still out in front of me, ready to shoot at any needed moment.

"Well well well, if it isn't the hero himself." Enzo sneers.

"If it isn't the traitor himself" I retort.

"Traitorous world we're living in De Santo, don't act so surprised. You and I both know anyone would do anything to be number one."

That's where he's wrong, only a greedy bitch would want more than what they already can't handle. Maybe if he stopped spending his money on escorts and started investing he wouldn't be in the position he is.

"What do you want Enzo?" He's beginning to get on my nerves and he's only just arrived, not like he was invited anyway.

He lets out a laugh that should belong to a witch. "We both know what I'm here for Leandro. Where's the girl?"

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Oh did you seriously think it would be that easy? Just storm in and ask where she is, take her and leave? I'm beginning to understand why you're such a failure Vincero."

He starts walking forward, some of our men switch the safety off their glocks to be safe.

"Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way Leandro. Name your price, I'll double it." Does he seriously think I'm putting a price on Chiara? A couple of racks before I hand her over to her execution? God I should have checked up on him more, he's definitely going delirious.

"Hmm how about.." I step forward, if he thinks his body is intimidating me then that's funny since mine towers over him. "One hundred and get-the-fuck-out-I-will-never-give-you-her dollars?" I give him a cheeky wink just to piss him off some more.

"I gave you the chance you didn't want to take it, fine." He starts walking back, making his way to the entrance he just came through.

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