𝟏𝟒. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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One day her beauty will kill me, but until then I'll just admire it.

She opted for the Versace dress, I had my eyes on that one when I saw it hanging on the rail. My god does she make it look ten times better. Her height has been elongated by the red bottoms she chose, making her legs even longer.

Fuck she could be a model.

I take her hand and admire her beautiful eyes. I notice that they turn a shade lighter every so often. Right now they're borderline hazel, whatever colour they are all I know is that I'll never not get lost it them.

We make our way to the black SUV waiting outside. I help her into the car before taking a seat next to her in the back. Lorenzo is driving and Mattia is occupying the front passenger seat. We set off in no time and I'm pumping with nerves. It's not like I should be worried, we both know this is going to happen sometime- She just doesn't know when..

She doesn't know that today I will give her her dream proposal.

I rest my left hand on her knee as I turn to face the goddess beside me.

"You look unbelievable." I don't bother beating around the bush, I just spit it out.

Her cheeks glow a rosy shade of red and the smile that she breaks into is nothing less than adorable.

"Thank you Leandro. You don't look too bad yourself" She says whilst pulling my chin to look at her.

Those eyes.

I lean forward and give her a kiss on the forehead, she tenses up causing me to worry. Does she not want this anymore? I need her to tell me before we arrive or we can't do this.

Luckily my worries diffuse into thin air when she lets out a sigh, one that sounds of relief. She places her hand on top of mine and begins to play with my rings. Does she like them? All of a sudden I've become insecure of my hands, please I need to get a grip I know.

"I like your tattoos, do they have a meaning?" She has now lifted my hand up towards her eyes for a closer look and I think I could propose right now. I'm glad she doesn't get put off by them. After all, practically my whole body is tatted up; she just hasn't seen that yet.

"Some do some don't, my larger ones usually have a meaning whereas the smaller ones are more for filling gaps or just because I like the way they look." Her eyes are following each leg of this black spider inked on my hand.

"So you like the way a tarantula looks?" Her sarcastic response leaves me feeling extremely regretful of ever getting it done. She must see the serious expression on my face because she laughs.

"I'm joking, I just hate them that's all." She gently lets go of my hand, placing it back where it was on her knee originally.

"You hate them?" I ask, I mean I know they aren't a lot of peoples favourite insects but hate is a strong word.

"Oh yeah." She chuckles, "I'd quite frankly rather walk over burning hot pieces of Lego, have my phone charger only work at one angle and overall off myself than have to come in close proximity with a spider." Her response causes us both to laugh. She's such a drama queen.

"I used to have an obsession with them quite a few years back. I don't know what it was but they fascinated me, so I got one put on me forever. Do you have any tattoos?" It's a question that I wouldn't usually ask a woman, because they don't often do. But the thought crossed my mind so now I have to let it out.

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