𝟎𝟗. 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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I walk back into the house in search of anyone to inform that I'm going for a ride. because Leandro just brought me back my horse, and so I'd rather not worry him by disappearing off on it without telling anyone. I catch some movement in the kitchen, and quickly run in to find Lorenzo pouring himself a glass of cold water.

He  looks up at me with a grand smile beaming off his face, and whilst I'm aware of the one mirroring his across my cheeks, I doubt that both of our lips are upturned for the same reason but, at least he's smiling. 

"Good morning Miss Milano. How are you this morning?" He takes a long sip of water.

"Good morning Lorenzo," I sigh contently, almost like I'd been holding it in ever since I arrived here and the sight of my horse has finally set me free. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

"I'm great thanks, and you?" I reply,  skipping towards the cupboard to get out a glass of my own. His water appeared so refreshing, I fancy a glass myself.

"I'm good, Ma'am, I see we have company?" He turns towards the large window behind the sink which overlooks the acres of land that he gets to call his back-yard. The smug grin rinsing his face tells me that he knew there would be an additional furry animal standing on the concrete this morning. But I still ask,

"Yes, we do. Did you know about this?" I ask—genuinely curious—whilst motioning towards the black creature that stands in the yard.

"Well I would be lying if I said I didn't have any idea that we may be meeting your precious pet today. However all credits go to Leandro, but he'd kill me if he knew I was standing here praising him for it. So let's just call it a team effort." He smiles again, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Well whoever it was I really appreciate it." I smile, "I'd like to go on a ride after I've freshened up, if that's ok." I try to order my words so that they almost sound like a question for respect, even though I know I'll be on her back despite whatever they say.

"Of course Miss Milano, as long as you only ride through our fields." I nod.

"Ok. If you see Leandro please let him know where I am for me." I finally conclude, and turn to leave once he agrees.

I jog myself up the stairs and back to my assigned bedroom, if I hadn't left the door wide open on my rush out, I wonder whether I'd actually remmeber which one's mine in this corridor of identical wooden doors.

Heading straight into the bathroom, I switch on the light and get brushing my teeth.

I've always found toothpaste spicy, it's the mint. Hence why I buy the children's one at home, but this expensive shit must have double the chemicals because my mouth is on fire and my cheeks are almost swollen.

I rinse my mouth out until I can actually feel my tongue again, and head back to my room in three steps. En-suites are so convenient, I tell myself, as if I'd ever be able to move from my current apartment.

I scramble through my top drawer in hopes to find some leggings—I do. They're plain black but there's nothing wrong with that so I jump into them before pulling my hoodie off and switching it for a grey polo ralph Lauren shirt that I noticed last night whilst searching for pyjamas. I notice it's one size too small which explains the reason behind the way it hugs my chest so tight, but my only concern is how quickly I can make it back to the garden.

There's a knock on the door and I know from the light taps it'll be Arlette, so I tell her to come in. Skipping in with her arms wide, she envelopes me into a world of coconut and vanilla. With hair like silk pressed against my cheek I realise I've never met someone that radiates the peace yet joy she does.

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