𝟐𝟗. 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞

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(Play song whenever you feel like it, whenever things start getting juicy for you. Obviously in the revenge part of this chapter so the beginning, and also I'd probably say play it when it's Chiaras POV )

A lot of switching between Leandro and Chiaras POV, sorry if it's annoying!

Also TW? Violent and slightly graphic imagery upcoming.


I help Chiara descend down the steps and into the basement. I can't lie, seeing the state that the Berlusoncis are in was a bit of a shock. They must have been complaining non stop to be fucked up as bad as they are right now, don't really give a fuck though, it's not like they don't deserve it.

I hear Chiara let out a gasp and I assume she's also spotted their condition, both faces are smeared in blood and their shirts have practically been ripped off revealing bare chests. It's not the most appealing sight.

I hold her hand a little tighter since she squeezed it giving me the indication that she's afraid, it's something even I used to do to my mother as a child when a frightening man with heaps of tattoos and huge muscles would walk past.

Isn't it funny how I have become that man. And maybe that's the reason I could never learn to love myself, because I've become my most feared enemy.

We stop in front of the B's. Christiano looks more worse for wear than Bruno, but how that's about to change.

"Good morning guys." I say cheerily, relishing in how god it feels knowing I'll be the last voice they hear before their descent to hell.

Neither reply and I take it as an extreme insult, with my spare hand clutched to my chest in offence, I slowly walk closer. "Not feeling very jolly this morning I see?" I murmur about a couple of inches away from Christianos face before turning to do the same to Brunos.

"Pussies" I spit into their pitiful faces and watch as Chris' shoulders drop in relief that I haven't sent another blow to the stomach. Wouldn't be too grateful, it's coming.

"Yeah, hers was nice." Bruno retorts back, motioning to Chiara with a sly grin on his face. It doesn't even take me a millisecond before my fist collides with his lower jaw- sending him an uppercut before my elbow also meets his hell of a face.

"Since you cant get her out of your mouth it looks like I'll just have to do it for you." I say before pulling out the pocket knife that is always slotted underneath my shirt and slicing off his tongue. I didn't even think before I'd done it, it just happened.  Deep and piercing screams leave his now tongue-less mouth and I pray he doesn't die from blood loss because I've barely even begun with him.

I step away and bring Chiara with me to the new guard Roman. He's strapped to a chair just like the others but he remains untouched, I smile knowing that that's about to change too.

"Oh don't tell me, miss spoilt brat over here ordered for you to kill me to-" He's cut off with my fist meeting his cheek in a very unpleasant manner. I know it hurt, because it's made my knuckle kill.

"I'll have you know, the woman you're calling a spoilt brat was the same one begging me to spare your life. So if I were you I'd thank her, because I know seventy three different ways to kill a man and I was enjoying planning using one of them on you."

His face drops and I step back, the way all of his confidence disapperead from something Chiara said just sets my soul on fire.

"Say thank you then." I spit out impatiently, and his eyes search the floor as if the words are scattered there.

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