𝟐𝟓. 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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I would like to just make a few things clear before we begin.

I am in no way shape or form trying to "glamorise" or "romantiscie" sexual assault or use it for clout or to make any characters in my book look better. SA is an extremely real, sensitive and difficult topic for a lot of people whether you have had a personal experience or even not.

When I wrote the bowing scene it was purely the men doing it out of respect to Chiara and sympathy. Nothing else. I've seen a few comments on my tiktok and I won't stand for it anymore, if you have a problem with what I write then you can leave.

Despite this, majority of you that are actually reading my book are the sweetest people ever and words can't describe how much I appreciate you all!

Also I don't wanna hear whether or not you like when a male character shows his emotions, men can cry too.


Leandro carries me up to his room and my body relaxes once my back hits the comfort of the soft mattress. Somehow during the period of being at home and having a small celebration for the events of today, I ended up drunk.

How Leandro even allowed me to get drunk is beyond me, since I would have had to have at least five drinks. But for now I'll enjoy the slight bit of happiness today has offered to me, even if my head is beginning to pound and my vision blurry.

I feel Leandros large body slip under the duvet beside me and I draw my body closer to his. His large arms envelope me into a warm and comforting hug and the last thing I feel is his hand stroking my back, before I fall into a deep drowse.

When I open my eyes the next morning I'm reminded of just how many drinks I must have consumed the night before. I roll out of bed, holding onto my pounding head as I make my way to the bathroom where I pop a few Tylenols to ease the ache. 

I check my phone to see that Zoe has left me a bunch of messages once I've finished doing my business in the bathroom. After quickly unlocking my phone in worry that something terrible might have happened, I only find her asking me if I could cover for Hailey since she's sick and Zoes on holiday.

Reluctantly, I accept to pick up the shift and place my phone back down beside me.

Once I'm dressed and ready, I spot Lorenzo in the hall down the stairs; and let him know that we'll be going to the Caf before turning right into the kitchen.

"Where's Leandro?" I ask Lorenzo as I pour myself a glass of ice cold water. He wasn't in bed when I woke up this morning but that's nothing unusual.

"Office. I've let him know about your shift and he's fine with it, I'll be waiting in the car for you." He says with a smile, before wondering off down the hall until I hear the front door shut.

I gently knock on the office door incase Leandro's having some important phone call. I enter once he gives permission to, and as usual his face softens when he realises that it's only me.

"Oh Chiara, I was just going to make my way up to see you. Sleep well?" He asks, raising to his feet from behind his desk to make his way towards me. I internally cringe at the way he's so casually calling me by my first name, as if I don't damn near hate it.

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