𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟒. 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧g

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"I swear If this baby doesn't hurry the fuck up soon I might scream."

"Save that for labour ari baby" I laugh, getting myself comfortable in my seat at this lovely brunch spot. Tomorrow is my birthday, and although my Arlette will obviously visit me, today we have had a day of activities.

Nothing too strenuous of course.

"February will roll around faster than you think and then you'll be wishing you could turn back the time, enjoy it." I smile, taking a sip of my martini as she gawps at the cup salivating. I don't think I could go nine / ten months with no alcohol, not that I'm addicted but it's just nice to have a drink every now and again.

"I guess," she grumbles "when can I be joined in pregnancy hey? This sober corner is getting real lonely." She moans and I laugh, I'd love to be a mother one day. Maybe one day soon maybe not, Leandro and I have talked about it a lot recently and are planning to start in the new year.

Not that we need to start of course, more like stop taking contraception in my case.

I sigh, my heart growing in despair at the thought of Leandro. He's currently in Italy dealing with some important business with his father, tried to deter it as much as he could until it was vital. He's been gone almost two whole fucking weeks and I miss him more than anything, the worst part is that he won't even be back for my birthday and the thought could make me cry.

He best fucking make that up to me.

"I don't know about that one, can't give up my dry martinis just yet." I laugh and she plants her head into the table cloth beside her empty plate groaning.

We spend the next couple of hours together, eating talking and laughing- what we do best. It's time to leave and Ari argued to pay as my first present, I argued against it but she won, of course.

I hug my best friend good bye and head back to Lorenzo who was waiting somewhere around the corner. I don't mind having someone else guard my home and myself when Leandro isn't there but I refuse to assign myself with another bodyguard that isn't Lorenzo in public, it just doesn't feel right.

He drops me home safely and im welcomed into a silent home by my beautiful puppy Bentley. I didn't think anyone could miss Leandro more than me but Button certainly challenges me, the heartbroken look that lingers behind those puppy eyes tugs on my heart strings like a baby pulling hair.

"I know baby you miss him too?" I fuss him with strokes, tickles and belly rubs as his body caresses the floor with joy, Traitor.

After I've fed my button I relax onto the sofa, my legs fly up to rest on the seat that would usually be preoccupied by Leandro and sadness looms into me once again. I swear my entire life would end if Leandro ever died, I can barely breathe without him.

To remind myself not to stress about someone who's very much alive I pick up my phone and press his contact on FaceTime. I don't even have to wait a second before he answer, those breathtaking green eyes calming the raging storm brewing inside of me instantly.

"Baby" he smiles and even if it is the most beautiful sight known to man kind it doesn't take away the urge to wipe it off from behind this stupid screen, why is he so happy whilst I'm hear crying over his absence.

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