dare 266

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for Ohana and Oswald to go on a date!

Ohana: Yay, I love this dare!

Oswald: So do I!

Ohana: So, where's our date gonna be, Oswald?

Oswald: We could go see a movie together.

Ohana: Ok! Sounds awesome!

*They go to the movies*

Oswald: This movie is supposed to be really cool. I've heard a lot of good things about it. *He looks over at Ohana and she is asleep* Ohana? Ohana. *He gently wakes her up*

Ohana: Huh? What is it?

Oswald: *Chuckles* You were asleep.

Ohana: Oh, hehe oops.

*The movie starts and Oswald looks over at Ohana and sees that she's asleep again*

Oswald: *Chuckles and gently wakes her up.* Ohana? Ohana.

Ohana: Huh? Yes?

Oswald: You were asleep again.

Ohana: Oh. Sorry, I couldn't help it. I'm kinda sleepy. I like taking naps sometimes hehe.

Oswald: Well that's ok. Hey, I have an idea. How bout we go to my house and watch a movie that we've already seen. We can sit on the couch and if we go to sleep it'll be ok because we've seen the movie before already. Then we can both enjoy a nap and watch the movie afterwards. What do you think?

Ohana: Awww, I love that idea, Oswald. Thank you.

Oswald: You're welcome, Ohana. Come on, let's go.

*They go to Oswald's house and sit on the couch. They take a little nap and then watch the movie.*

Ohana: That was a fun date. Thanks, Oswald.

Oswald: You're welcome, Ohana.

Ohana: This dare turned out really fun!

Oswald: Yeah!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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