dare 219 (part 4)

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Olive: Ok, so let's get this circus started!

Olga: Excuse me, I'm the ring master so shouldn't I get to say when we get this circus started?

Olive: Ok, when do you want to start the circus?

Olga: Now. Now's good.

*They invite everyone to watch the circus show and then they start the show*

Olga: Hello and welcome everyone! Today we have an awesome circus show for you! Up first, we have an amazing act by Olympia, Otto, Omar and Oswald, Opal and Ori!

Everyone: *Cheers*

*Olympia, Otto, Ori, Omar, Oswald, Opal and Ori do their juggling act and everyone loves it*

Olga: Alright, up next we have the acrobats, Owen, Ohana, Osmerelda and Orpita!

*Owen, Ohana, Osmerelda and Orpita do the acrobat act and everyone loves it, then Oscar, Dr O and Octavia do their trapeze act and everyone loves it too*

Olga: And now, the tightrope act with Todd, O'Angel and Orla! But before we get to that, don't I look so good in my outfit? *Does a model pose*

Everyone: Yeah!

Todd: Olga!

Olga: What? I just wanna know what they think of my outfit!

O'Angel: They like it, everyone likes it. Now can we do our act please?

Olga: Ok, now you guys can do your act.

*Todd, O'Angel and Orla do their tightrope act and everyone loves it*

Olga: And now for Olaf's strongman act!

*Olaf does his strongman act and everyone loves it*

Olga: And now, for the act you've all been waiting for, we have Oren! With his.... um.... *Whispers to Oren* What do you call this act again?

Oren: *Whispers back* The Oren effect.

Olga: The Oren effect!

Oren: Hello everyone! And for this act, I'm going to need a volunteer. How about you?

Me: *Confused* Me?

Oren: Yes, you. Come on up here.

Me: *Walks over to Oren* It's so cool that I get to be in the circus show too. So what's the act that we're doing?

Oren: Well, it's very simple. I'm going to saw you in half.

Me: What?! No way, there's no way you're doing that.

Oren: Not literally. Ugh don't be so dramatic. See, I'm going to be using 'the Oren effect' to keep you from actually being sawed in half.

Me: That doesn't make any sense and it's probably not even going to-

Oren: *Interrupts* Enough. We have to get on with the act, people are waiting.

Me: Ok fine. But you better now mess this up.

*Just as Oren is about to start the act, Oona runs onstage*

Oona: Wait! Oren, use this. *Hands him a toy saw*

Oren: *Shrugs* Oh, ok.

Me: *Whispers* Thanks, Oona.

Oona: No problem.

*Oren uses the toy saw which doesn't actually cut things, and the act looks really cool and turns out ok*

Oren: And look, she's totally fine! And I um, totally knew that was going to work.... Ta da!

Me: Ta da!

Everyone: *Cheers*

Olga: And that was our circus show!

Opal: This was so fun!

Olive: Yeah, this dare was actually really fun!

Otto: Yeah!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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