dare 232 (part 2)

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Opal: Ok, I'm in the ice cream room now. So Omar should be in here. *Looks around and sees Omar* Omar!

Omar: Opal! *Smiles and runs up to her*

Opal: *Smiles and runs up to him and they hug*

Omar: You found me!

Opal: Yeah, you're the first one I decided to look for.

Omar: *Blushes* Oh.... really?

Opal: *Blushes slightly* Yeah. I just um.... figured you'd be easy to find because- um, well I mean, I just.... I just really like to be around you, ok?

Omar: It's ok, Opal. You don't have to explain, I like to be around you too. And you're the first person I was looking for too.

Opal: Really?

Omar: Yeah. Even though I kinda got distracted when I saw all the cool souvenirs in here. Like those little blue spoons that were on that table over there. Perfect souvenir.

Opal: *Giggles* Ok then. Anyway, we should try to find the others now.

Omar: Ok. Where should we look first?

Opal: Well, let's ask Van computer.

Omar: Van computer, where should we look for our friends next?

Van computer: Here's a hint, two of your friends are in a room that Omar can find really easily.

Omar: Hmmm.... A room that I can find easily? I wonder what room that could be- wait.... I know which room it is! My room with all my souvenirs! *Starts running off and Opal follows him*

Opal: Hey wait up! What's the rush!

Omar: We have to hurry before they

Omar: Hmm.... A room that I can find easily? I wonder what room that could be- wait.... I know exactly what room it is! *Starts running off and Opal follows him*

Opal: Hey wait up! I don't even know what room we're going to. What's the rush?

Omar: We have to hurry before they break any of my souvenirs!

Opal: Ohhh now I know exactly which room you're talking about. *Laughs*

*They go to Omar's room and they see Olympia, Otis, Olive and Otto*

Omar: We're here! Are my souvenirs ok?

Olympia: Yeah, don't worry, Omar. We didn't break any of your souvenirs. They're awesome souvenirs by the way. I liked that one keychains shaped like a duck, but I couldn't even get Otis to touch it.

Omar: Really, you don't like the duck keychain, Otis?

Otis: Um.... Yeah, I don't like ducks....

Opal: Anyway, Olive, Otto, what are you guy doing here?

Olive: Oh, we actually got teleported to the candy room, but then the Van computer helped us find Olympia and Otis in this room.

Otto: Yeah, and then we all kinda got distracted looking at all these cool souvenirs....

Omar: Yeah, they are pretty amazing.

Olympia: But now that we're all here, we can all find the rest of the agents together.

Opal: Yeah!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this part 2! Stay tuned for part 3! Hope you like it!!

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