dare 186

210 3 5

Me: Ok, here's a dare for Oona and Ohlm to have a day out together!

Ohlm: Ok!

Oona: Um ok.

*They go to the park*

Ohlm: Come on, Oona, let's plag on the swings!

Oona: Ok. *They sit on the swings*

Ohlm: So, do you like the park? I like the park. When I was grounded, I didn't get to go to the park at all! Can you believe that? But now I can go to the park so I'm happy.

Oona: Oh. T-that's cool.

Ohlm: Are you ok?

Oona: Um, yeah. Why?

Ohlm: Just seems like you're kinda scared about something.... do you see some odd creature around here or something? *Looks around*

Oona: N-no. I just.... It's fine. Really.

Ohlm: Ok. Well, let's go play in the sandbox! *Tries to grab her hand and pull her with him to the sandbox but she pulls her hand away* What's wrong?

Oona: N-nothing....?

Ohlm: Ohhh, wait, are you still scared of me? Because of trying to destroy odd squad?

Oona: Um, hey, look over there! *Points in a random direction*

Ohlm: *Looks at where she pointed* Oh cool! Grass!

Oona: *Runs off*

Ohlm: *Looks around* Oona? Oona?! Where'd you go? *Sees Oona running off in the distance and starts running after her* Hey wait up!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! There will be a part 2 to this! Hope you like it!

Odd Squad truth/dare book {requests are open}Where stories live. Discover now