dare 203 (part 2)

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Oliver: What are you guys doing here?

Olympia: The better question is what odd scheme are you guys planning.

Orla: Yes, make haste and speak forth!

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: Oh, Oliver is this that nice girl, Orla that you have a crush on?

Oliver: *Blushes* I- wha- who told you that?

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: We overheard your parents talking about it while we were all on a mission.

Orla: *Blushes*

Oliver: Ok, anyway, we're not doing anything odd. What makes you think that?

Opal: We heard you guys talking! We know you're keeping this " vfd project" a secret from O'Angel and Olivia, and from odd squad

Omar: Yeah, and those packages that you're going to secretly take to odd squad!

Oswald: Just face it, we foiled your plan! Now tell us what's going on!

Olivia: Yeah! Tell us the truth!

O'Angel and Olivia's dad: Well, kids, we were just trying to keep it a secret so it could be a surprise for you.

Olivia: A surprise?

O'Angel and Olivia's dad: Yeah, the surprise was that the vfd doesn't just do secret missions, we also have popcorn parties.

Everyone: Popcorn parties?

Oliver: Yeah, that was the secret. They only told me so I could help them with getting all the popcorn. That's what's in these packages, popcorn. *They open the packages to see bags of popcorn*

Olivia: Ohhh, so you're not doing anything odd?

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: No, we're not. We just wanted to surprise all of you and have a popcorn party at odd for all of you.

O'Angel: Oh. Ok, that's awesome!

Everyone: *Laughs*

Orla: Oliver, I am very pleased that you were not doing anything odd, I knew that you would not do something like that. Thank you for telling us the truth. *Smiles at him*

Oliver: *Blushes* Oh, no problem, Orla. *Smiles*

Olympia: We're sorry for the mixup.

Otis: Yeah.

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: Oh that's ok, kids. So, now that you're here, would you like to help us get this popcorn to odd squad?

Everyone: Sure!

*They take the popcorn to odd squad and have a fun popcorn party*

Olympia: That was fun!

Otis: Yeah.

A/n: Hope you guys liked this part 2!!Hope you like this dare!!

Odd Squad truth/dare book {requests are open}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora