dare 208

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for O'Angel, Olivia, Ohana and Oliver to go on a road trip without the agents knowing!

Olivia: Ooh, cool! Road trip!

Ohana: I'm totally in!

Oliver: I like this dare also.

Ohana: Ok then, let's get this dare started!

Olivia: Wait, where's O'Angel?

O'Angel: *Walks up to them* Hey, I'm here! Sorry, I was busy. So what was the dare?

Olivia: It was for you, me, Ohana and Oliver to go on a road trip without the other agents knowing. What were you busy with by the way?

O'Angel: Um.... nothing, just um doing things.

Ohana: Were you on a date with Todd? *Laughs*

O'Angel: *Blushes* Um, I-

Ohana: Oh yeah you were TOTALLY on a date with Todd.

O'Angel: Ok fine, I was.

Ohana: Awww!

O'Angel: *Blushes even more* Ok, um anyway, a road trip, that sounds fun. I'm in!

Ohana: Awesome!

*They all get into Ohana's odd squad car that she temporarily borrowed from Ms O and they use it to go on the road trip*

*They go to a lot of places and take pictures and they end up stopping at a really cool park and they decide to have a little picnic there*

Ohana: This road trip is so fun so far.

O'Angel: Yeah.

*Just then, they see Oswald walking up to them*

Ohana: Oswald? What are you doing here?

Oswald: Well I sort of overheard it when you guys were talking about going on this road trip, and I decided that I'd just tag along.

Ohana: Tag along? You mean you followed us? How?

Oswald: Hehe well yeah. I kind of took the ice cream surveillance truck and just followed you guys without you knowing. But I had too, Ohana! For all I know, this could be a secret date you were having with Oliver!

Ohana: What?!

Oswald: And just in case, I'm using this bubble-inator to make sure you're safe and that Oliver doesn't try anything. *Uses the bubble-inator to trap Ohana in a bubble, but the bubble starts floating away with her in it*

Ohana: Hey!

O'Angel: Oswald, look the bubble's floating away!

Olivia: We have to save Ohana!

Oswald: Oops sorry, I didn't think it would float that far away!

Oliver: What are we gonna do?

Oswald: I brought the bubble-pop-inator just in case. *Uses the bubble-pop-inator to pop the bubble and Ohana lands in Oswald's arms*

Ohana: Thanks for saving me, Oswald.

Oswald: You're welcome, Ohana. Sorry for thinking you were on a date with Oliver.

Ohana: That's ok. And yeah, this wasn't a date at all. We just all decided to have a little picnic in this cool park.

Oliver: Yeah, it wasn't a date at all.

Oswald: I know, sorry for thinking that.

Oliver: It's ok.

Olivia: And since you're here, Oswald, you can have the picnic with us.

O'Angel: Yeah.

Oswald: Ok.

Ohana: And you can come on the rest of the road trip with us too.

Oswald: Ok. *Smiles*

Ohana: Yay! This was a really fun dare!

Oswald: Yeah.

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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