dare 205

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for Ohana, Oscar and Oona's band, The Scientists, to compete in a competition concert with the house band that Ms O temporarily hired to make her meetings more enjoyable that one time.

Oprah: It was a 30 day free trial....

Olympia: Oh yeah, I remember that band! They were pretty good!

Otis: Why don't I remember that?

Olympia: Oh, you were still on your lunch break at the time. You're a pretty slow eater....

Otis: Or maybe everyone else is a fast eater?

Olympia: .... Whoa.... Good point.

Me: Ok, let's not get off track here.

Ohana: Oh, right, so the dare is for our band to play in competition against this 'temporary house band'?

Me: Yup!

Oona: Cool! Let's do it!

Oscar: I'm in too!

Me: Great! Let's bring in the other band!

House band: *Walks in* Hey, everyone! We love your work here at odd squad by the way, but respectfully, we're gonna win this.

Ohana: Thank you. But actually, we're gonna win.

Orchid: Only one way to find out, Shermans! Let's get this contest started!

*They get everything ready for the contest and all the agents are watching in the audience. The house band plays their song first.*

Oona: *Watching from backstage* Wow.... they're pretty good....

Oscar: Yeah.... really good. They sound so professional. Um, should we have practiced more?

Ohana: Or practiced at all.... Hehe.

Oona: What are we gonna do?! What song are we even going to sing?

Oscar: We have to start figuring this stuff out sooner.

Ohana: Ok, ok, don't worry. We'll just play a song we all know by heart! Quick, what songs do you all know?

Oona: Um....

Oscar: Hmmm....

Ohana: Seriously, guys?

Oona: Um I know the abc song?

Oscar: Hehe I know that one too.

Ohana: Are you kidding me? The abc song?

Oona: Any better ideas?

Ohana: *Nervously laughs* No. So let's do that. But let's make it sound cooler and more upbeat!

Oscar: Ok, great idea!

Oona: Yeah!

Oprah: Alright, it's The Scientists turn to play their song now! Everyone welcome them on stage!

Everyone: *Cheers*

Oona: That's us! Let's get up there and do this!

*They do their secret scientist handshake then go out on stage*

Ohana: Five, six, seven, eight!

*They start playing the abc song, but a more upbeat version*

Oona: *Sings* A b c d e f g!

Ohana: H I j k l m n o p!

Oscar: Q r s t u v!

Oona: W x y and z!

Ohana: *Sings* We couldn't figure out which song to sing,

Oona: *Sings* So we decided to sing the ABC's!

Oscar: And now that we sang the ABC's,

Ohana: Let's sing it again!

Oona, Oscar and Ohana: One two three!

*They sing it again and everyone cheers*

Oprah: Wow! That was great! Great work to both bands! Both bands were great, but I think we can all agree that the winners are.... The Scientists!

Oona: Yay!

House band: Great job, you guys. We loved your ABC's song.

Oona: Thank you! We liked your song too.

Ohana: I guess that abc song was a good idea, Oona.

Oona: Hehe thanks.

Oscar: This was a really fun dare!

Ohana: Yeah!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys had this dare! Thx AutumnCardigan for requesting this! I know it was a long one lol but I was just having so much fun writing it out lol! Hope you like it!

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