dare 214

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for

O'tom: *interrupts* Hi there!

Me: Who are you?

O'tom: Oh, I'm O'tom. I'm a new agent here.

Me: Oh.... um ok.... what are you doing here?

O'tom: Well, if you must know, I really like O'Angel. But apparently she likes Todd. Ugh, what does she see in him. Anyway, I'm just gonna go talk to her.

Me: Um ok, well you can try, but I don't think you talking to her is gonna make her like you or anything. Just saying, she really likes Todd. There was actually this dare for them to get married and everything.

O'tom: What?! Why would she- ugh ok whatever. I'm just going to go talk to her.

Me: *Shrugs* Ok.

O'tom: Hi, O'Angel!

O'Angel: Oh hi. Sorry, who are you?

O'tom: I'm O'tom. A new agent here.

O'Angel: Oh ok.

O'tom: So you're really pretty. I'd love to go out with you.

O'Angel: Oh thank you. But I'm married. *giggles*

O'tom: Married?

O'Angel: Yup! It's for a dare so yeah. Anyway, I really like Todd.

O'tom: Well, actually um.... Todd is not who you think he is!

O'Angel: What do you mean?

O'tom: *Tells her a bunch of fake stuff about Todd*

O'Angel: What?! How do you know all this?

O'tom: Well um.... I overheard him talking about it? Um yeah, I overheard him talking about it hehe. Well, I'll see you later. And by the way, if you decide that you don't like Todd anymore, you know where to find me. *Walks away*

O'Angel: *Walks off to find Todd* Todd!

Todd: *Looks up at her* Oh, hey, O'Angel.

O'Angel: Don't act all innocent! I know what you're hiding!

Todd: Um.... what are you talking about?

O'Angel: I know all of your little lies! *She tells him all the stuff O'tom told her*

Todd: What?! That's not true at all! Who told you that?

O'Angel: That doesn't matter! And I can't believe you're still denying it! We're through! *Walks off*

Todd: Wait, O'Angel!

*A while later*

Olympia: *Walks up to O'Angel* Hey, O'Angel! Wanna go do something fun today?  Or are you hanging out with Todd again. *Giggles*

O'Angel: Oh, actually Todd and I aren't talking right now.

Olympia: What?! Why not?

O'Angel: He was lying to me about a lot of things! So I broke up with him.

Olympia: Wait, he was lying to you? About what?

O'Angel: Well.... *Tells Olympia about all the stuff O'tom told her about.*

Olympia: Really? Who told you all that?

O'Angel: O'tom.

Olympia: Who's O'tom?

O'Angel: Um he said he was a new agent.

Oprah: *Walks up to them* Did someone say O'tom? Is he causing trouble or something?

O'Angel: No, he just told me about some lies that Todd was telling. And I think he said he likes me too. Why would he be causing trouble?

Oprah: Because he's made trouble before by lying and stuff. He said he wouldn't do it again and that he wanted to be an agent and stuff, so I told him he could try to be an agent for today, but yeah. So what did he tell you?

O'Angel: A bunch of stuff about Todd. Apparently Todd has been lying to me so I broke up with him.

Olympia: Wait, you said O'tom likes you right?

O'Angel: Right....

Olympia: What if O'tom was lying about all that stuff to get you to not like Todd anymore so you'd like him instead!

O'Angel: .... Wait, that's actually a good point.... Oh my goodness, so I probably broke up with Todd because of something that wasn't even true? I have to apologize to him!

*Todd and Otis walk into the room*

Todd: O'Angel, was it O'tom that told you all that stuff about me? He was lying!

Otis: Yeah, O'tom told me about his plan and how he likes you, O'Angel. So I told Todd.

O'Angel: So none of that stuff was true? I'm sorry for breaking up with you Todd! Will you forgive me?

Todd: Of course I do, O'Angel. *They hug each other*

Everyone: Awww!!

Todd: But next time, ask me about it instead of just believing things people tell you about me, ok?

O'Angel: *Smiles* Ok.

Todd: So we're back together now?

O'Angel: Yup!

Oprah: O'tom!

O'tom: *Walks into the room* Yes Ms O? Has O'Angel finally decided that she likes me?

Oprah: Actually we found out about you lying to her, so yeah. You're off the squad.

O'tom: Ugh fine.

O'Angel: Let's go on a date, Todd!

Todd: Ok, sounds awesome!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx phoebeprincess10  for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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