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7 years later

You know once you have kids you'll notice them growing up faster than anything.

That's me right now. My first born, my sweet baby girl is now a teenager. Making me 37 and Kyle a big 50 years old. Atlas is now 6 years old. God, we are old as fuck.

Trust me I know I say this every time but with age my husband just gets sexier. Kyle has aged like fine wine and I'm not ashamed to tell him that.

Yes we both still have our careers, doing what we love. Being free and living in a different state.

We thought it would be a good idea and a new start to move to Cali. Once I told Tori she was happy at first then she yelled at me, she even had a break down.

She didn't want me to leave and neither did I. Tori finally found a guy who treated her right, of course I had to make sure of it. I'm always gonna be protective over her, we've been in each other's lives for as long as I can remember. So no one will ever come between us. Bros before hoes!!!

"Baby." Kyle calls out! He's always the highlight of my morning's.

"Yes?" I ask, turning over facing the door.

"Kay can't find her basketball shoes anywhere and she has practice in a hour." My peacefulness is over.

Honestly you would think having a teenager now she would be smarter and responsible but no she always has an attitude and loses things. That's the second pair, I don't know what to tell her if she thinks I'm buying her another pair.

"She fucking lost them again?" I ask.

Kyle nods his head.

I roll my eyes, "Kay'Leigh Daria, get in here now!" I demand. I'm not playing with her anymore.

I hear her running. "Yes mom."

"What did I tell you about losing things?"

"Don't lose things and keep up with the stuff I use."

I nod, "So why are you still losing your shoes, this will be the third pair and I swear if you lose these I'm taking away that phone. Do I make myself clear!" I'm done playing games.

"I guess." She rolls her eyes and stomps down the stairs.

I huff, "God, why does she have my attitude."

Kyle just laughs, "This isn't funny!" I give him a pointed look.

"Atlas!" I yell. I need my sweet baby.

"Yes mommy."

"Nothing just give me a hug."

He laughs, "It's Kay again." His sister is mean to him as well.

The fact that Kay has my personality, attitude and she has all my features and Atlas looks like Kyle but with my eyes and lips.

He leaves the room and it's just me and Kyle now.

"Are you taking her to practice or should I?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter but her attitude has gotten out of control lately so maybe you should. When you buy her another pair of shoes keep them in here." I was already planning on it. I'm tired of buying her damn shoes.

She's only 13 and has a wide range of shoes. Yes our kids are spoiled but I know they don't go bragging about how rich their parents are. It was something I taught them over and over again, I'm still saying it to Atlas.

The amount of money you have doesn't define you as a person. I always keep it real with everyone. I've always been the type to not flaunt the amount of money I have, I mean you can tell.

"I'm taking her cause no offense taken but you let her get away with almost everything." He chuckles.

"She is my baby girl." I nod,

"Yep that's the problem." Not wasting anymore time I get up and do everything I need in the restroom.

"Kay make sure you're getting ready I'm taking you to get more shoes then practice." I walk past her room.

"Okay." She yells.

I start brewing my coffee and turn on the tv in the living room.

Yes I am the old woman who makes coffee get the kids ready for the day and watch the news. But my life is anything but boring bitches.

I'm still the life of the party, will forever be as well.

Once I see that Kay has her stuff for practice I get a set of keys and leave but not without giving a kiss to Kyle. I believe he's going into the office for a bit today, so when I get back it'll give me some time before Tori lands.

It's a surprise I wanted the kids to see her again and she told me she's bringing her man. His name is Antony so I wanna see what he's like to my ride or die.

But Tori is happy and so am I. I love that for her.

I take Kay to the shoe store to let her pick out another pair and I'm sending her straight to practice.

"When we get in this store, go pick out a pair of shoes and so help me god Kay'Leigh those will be going in my room for now on. Am I understood?" I got to be strict with her cause her attitude is getting out of control.

"Yes ma'am." She goes off and looks for some shoes. I decided to look for me some as well.

Yes I'm a sneakerholic but I rarely buy shoes for myself.

"Mom I found some." As she said that I already have a pair that I want, we go up to the front and I pay.

"I'm taking you to practice and when you get home put the shoes in my closet."

"Okay." She says once we get in the car.

I'm driving her to the school.

"Text me when you get out." She nods.

"I will love you!"

"I love you too." I kiss her forehead.

Once I take off I call Kyle.

"Hey I was gonna call you."

"Oh you were? Are you home or at the office."

"I'm on my way back to the house." I nod even tho he can't see.

"Me too, I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you." And he hangs up the phone.

Thinking back we did a good job raising our kids.

I get home and see Kyle beat me back, of course he did!

I see him shirtless laying in bed and I immediately join him.

"I'm proud of everything we accomplished together. We did it! We did an amazing job raising and still raising our kids together. We are in this forever through thick and thin my love. You are stuck with me for life." I smile widely.

"I'm happy with everything we accomplished as well. Getting married and having kids, moving together in a different state and making a name for ourselves. We did good!"

He laughs, "Hell yea we did. Can't wait to see where the rest of this takes us. How happy we'll be."

"Well look who turned all sentimental on me!" I tease him.

"Shut up and kiss me, my wife." And with that I did.

I believe that everything happens for a reason whether it is good or bad, but Kyle and I managed to find our way back to each other and that's all that matters.

We lived a good life, our kids, careers and being married. We did it!

Now I couldn't ever imagine my life without him!!!

The end!!

A/N: that's a wrap! Thank you for sticking with me towards this book. I enjoy reading the comments and seeing all the love on this book. I enjoyed writing this, I'm sad I'm ending this but the characters will always stick with me. Much love ❤️

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