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A week later

Today is the day I'm going to tell everything. Even though I hate Kyle with a passion he deserves to bond and have a relationship with his daughter. Trey deserves to know. Don't ask when imma tell Trey but my daughter always comes first.

I asked Kyle to meet me at the cafe we've been to before. Maybe that was a stupid idea. I know but in my defense he is my baby daddy so we need some sort of communication even though I despise him with a passion.

My daughter deserves her father in her life, no matter what me and Kyle went through in the past.

As I go into the cafe, I'm met with Kyle already sitting at a table waiting for me. Guess he likes to wait for something.

I sit down. "I ordered you a hazelnut latte just how you like it." I nod my head.

"Well thank you." I tell him sincerely.

"Look I know you hate me, best believe I hate what I did too, but I do want to get to know my daughter. She deserves her father. I do want to meet her if it's fine with you. I know we ain't on the best terms but please can we be civil for the sake of our daughter." He tell me and that sincereness is out of his heart. Damn, maybe I do need to stop doubting him.

He hurt me real bad and I don't want him to walk out on Kay'Leigh like he did me, yet again the reason why is still something I can't wrap my head around.

"Also Trey gets to know as well, I've kept this from him for way too long. This is co- parenting only Kyle. I mean it." He nods his head and gives me that warm smile of his.

It makes my heart hug. What the fuck!

"Thank you Thena I swear on everything I want to be the best dad for Kay'Leigh." Kyle is someone who doesn't pour his emotions out, so when he does it's meant to be taken seriously.

"Okay, also it's time to tell me the real reason you left me Kyle. Two days after I found out I was pregnant. I went through that alone without you by my side, of course I had Tori with me but the feeling of not having your boyfriend with you. It was heartbreaking. Kyle you walked out on us and now you're acting like it's perfectly fine to come back. Why did you do it?" I have to know.

"Athena I swear I never wanted to leave, on everything I never did. I hated seeing you cry because of my shit. I had to, Debra and Justin both came to me after I was discharged and you was still in a coma. They said I had to leave you or they wouldn't think twice to kill you. God, it killed me everyday not to see you. I had to protect you babe please understand that."

Wow I never knew this. Wait, did he just call me babe?

"Why didn't you tell me Kyle we was in a relationship where we always talk things out that's what we did or so I thought. And for the record I'm not your babe, you lost that title the day you walked out." Yes I sound hostile because he has to realize how I feel about everything 4 years later. We need to talk it out like the adults we are.

"I didn't tell you because I know the history you had with Justin. I didn't want your old trauma to come back up. I wanted to protect you Athena, please know I regret it every single day. I see your happy with someone else and I hate it. I want you all to myself which I can't have and that makes me mad." He said it. I knew it was bound to happen but why is my stomach doing summersaults.

"I know. You just wanted to protect me I get it, I'm mad about the situation we was in and how you ended things. I want us to be on good terms with each other like our friendship we had. I will tell Kay'Leigh and Trey so you can meet your daughter. She has your eyes and charming smile."

He smiles which warms my heart. Why am I talking like this?

"Thank you Athena for everything. I mean it." I nod and we get up to hug each other.

We say our goodbyes to each other and he goes one way while I go the other.

Kyle was once my everything, we planned out our future together what that was going to look like. We both took the time to understand each other into a deeper meaning. We met each other's family. Our memories will always be there, but will we? Probably not or we might who knows what the future holds.

I know he has grown, he's not the person he was when we was together. We both did, I just ended up in a relationship and engaged.

I did believe Kyle and I would have a perfect future together. Marriage with kids a big house with both our careers.

Our date together at the steakhouse before everything went to shit.

"Wow, you look out of this world, breathtakingly beautiful." My face that day when he said that. I had butterflies.

"You look handsome as well my love." And it's true he did and still does. Let's not get started with that.

The kisses we had, every single memory we share good or bad will always be apart of me. I hope this doesn't cause any conflict coming my way. I love Trey and Kyle is my baby's father so I do need to be cordial.

I'm on my home, just hoping Trey isn't home yet so I can talk to Kay'Leigh in private then I will tell Trey about everything.

I need to figure out how to do just that.

I pull into the driveway and I can tell that Trey isn't home yet which means Tori is still here with Kay'Leigh.

As I opened the front door I'm met with laughter from my daughter which instantly brings a smile to my face. My daughter is very smart about knowing feelings and emotions. I love how she's so aware of things that other kids her age don't think about.

"Kay'Leigh baby come here." I tell her. I sit down in my chair.

"Yes, mommy." My heart.

"I have to tell you some things and if you have any questions please tell me." She nods her tiny little head.

"Okay, so when I was younger I was with this guy for a year. An amazing year together. Long story short is that we fell in love and I had you babygirl. Your father is here and wants to meet you. Would you like that?" I question. I always take her feelings into consideration.

She nods rapidly. "Yes I do." I smile at her. Well I guess we will make that arrangement.

She runs off to her run and I see Tori come into the kitchen.

"What are you going to tell Trey?" I mean the truth who you think I am.

"I'm going to be straight up and tell him. No point in hiding it. I'm done with Kyle, we are doing this for the sake of our daughter and he deserves to get to know her after all these years." I mean y'all agree right?

"Okay babes, be careful please." I try not to think about what she said. She tells me she's leaving and we hug.

No she still isn't dating anyone. She says her career takes up too much time which is true.

How will telling Trey everything go about. Who will be in the wrong this time.

A/N: Been busy with school and work, haven't had much time to write but we have a few chapters left of this book. I want to say thank you to everyone. Please vote and comment.

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