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It's been a week since I last heard from Kyle, well since I left New Jersey. Yes I left without saying a word to him. I knew what trouble that would bring for me. I gave Mora the pictures, I had them printed out and left. I'm back in Georgia and now I can focus on other things than Kyle.

He has been calling and texting me, but I just ignore him. Call me an asshole but after we had sex I couldn't help but think about the whole situation between us. It was better if I just left without him knowing. But it's not working out in my favor because he knew I left hours after I got on the plane, that's when he started blowing up my phone.

Do I feel guilty for leaving without saying anything?

Yes, but am I going to admit it out loud. Hell no.

I stare at my phone for the millionth time in the past 10 minutes waiting for Athena to respond a text or tell me she's fine

She left my house and New Jersey without saying a word to me. She just disappeared from thin air.

I felt a little pang in my heart from the feeling, that I still don't know why.

The fact we had sex and she dipped made it seem like a one night stand and she's way more that that.

What are you saying Kyle?

I don't want a relationship with anyone.

Yet you want to be around Athena. My conscience screamed at me.

I knew my inner self was right but I never anted you admit it.

I'm sitting in my office chair just staring into space when Harry comes in unannounced and uninvited.

I threw my head back and groaned, "What do you want?" I think I'm getting this mad because of Athena not answering.

I mean she's not untitled to but I just want to make sure she's fine.

"She still hasn't texted back." He asks already knows why I'm getting irritated easily.

I sign and shook my head, "Nope." I popped the 'p' harder than intended.

Harry stands up and comes over to pat my back, "She'll text back." I just shrugged because I really don't have faith. "I have to head back and deal with the kids." He then turns around to leave my office.

His two kids, Ethan who's 12 and Sebastian who's 5. Then he's been married to Sarah, a pretty woman might I add.

Don't think of nothing weird, people.
I'm at Tori's house and she knows all about what happened between me and Kyle.

What I had to tell her at some point. She wouldn't let me live it down if I didn't.

She's giving me a lecture of how much of an idiot I am for just leaving like a one night stand. How I should've told him I was leaving a whole day earlier and blah blah blah...

"You're such an idiot Athena Desire McCoy, why would you do that."

Ahh.. there it is my full name, she only does that when she's mad at me and frankly she sounds like my mother giving me a big lecture about doing things wrong.

"What?" I suppressed a shocked face. I know what's she going to say, I'm just waiting for for her to say it.

"What? Are you kidding me Athena. You left without saying a word to him. I know how much you like him. So why would you do that." Tori had always been real with me since we were teenagers.

"Please can we not talk about this anymore!" I groaned not wanting to talk about this fucked up situation I'm in.

"Why? What's so bad and wrong about this?"

She's never going to let this go.

"Fine, because he's my clients son and you know I don't do shit like that, plus even though I am attracted to him nothing more can happen."

She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. This situation is fucked up for me.

I'm caught between my feelings and doing what's right.

We change the topic of the conversation.

It's getting late so I tell Tori I'm heading home. She tells me to be safe as I leave her house.

Getting in my car and driving back to my penthouse, I live in by myself.

Yes it gets lonely sometimes but I like my space and having a house to myself.

I get out my car as I parked it in my driveway and head upstairs.

I take me a warm shower just thinking about the situation I'm in.

No Kyle hasn't tried to reach out to me anymore, if he did I wouldn't know if I would talk to him or not.

I just have to figure whatever is happening between us and hopes it goes away.

As I get out, I go to my room and throw a bralette on and pjs. I go downstairs and on my last step I hear a knock on my door.

My face held confusion, wondering who's knocking on my door.

I unlocked it and pull it open.

Pure shock is evident on my face, but how?

How does he know where I live. Why is he here in the first place?

I pull it open more so he could come in, without saying anything he walks in and I smell his musky cologne fill my nose.

Fuck, he smells so good.

Stop thinking like that and asks what he's doing here. Better yet kick him out.

I close the door and faced him.

Kyle stands up and comes close by me.

"Athena!" He says in a deep husky voice that sends divers down my skin.


"Why have you been ignoring me and why didn't you tell me you was leaving a day earlier. Was it because we had sex that night."

I couldn't speak for a minute. I mustered all the courage and spoke.

"Because what we did was wrong. Your my clients son and I shouldn't have done that."

Who am I kidding I loved that we had sex. But I couldn't face the truth.

Double Fuck!

He looks at me ridiculously. Kyle raises an eyebrow.

"Well what will happen if I kissed you right now."

I was stunned, "N-Now." I stammered.

He nods his head.

I feel his lips on mine and it takes me a second to respond back.

Fuck Fuck Fuck!

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