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It's now the day i fly out to New Jersey. I found out there last name is Green. So I'm going to be going to the Green's residence. Mora's son was emailing the address and the place to meet him at. He's the only one attending the meeting.

When i land in Trenton, NJ I'm meeting their son, Kyle at a bakery and coffee shop. I live in Massachusetts so the flight isn't that long.

Tori is coming over to drive me to the airport. I'm staying in New Jersey for a week, so i can have all the pictures send over to them without leaving.

Tori loves to come inside like she lives here. Not that i don't mind.

"Hey girl you ready?" She asks as she digs through my fridge.

I throw my hands up, "Are you just acting like you live here?" She looks at me with a soda and an apple in her hands.

"Yep." She says popping the p more. I roll my eyes.

"Come on, I'm ready." I act annoyed.

She comes over and gives me a hug, "I'm going to miss you." I smile and hug her back.

"Yea, yea I'm only going to be gone for a week or so." I say, as she exaggerates.

Tori doesn't like being away from me for a while, I'm like her older sister. Even tho we're a year apart. She would go with me but she said she has her job to look forward to. Yes, she's a business owner for a jewelry company that was given to her from her father. He sadly passed away 4 years ago and once she turned 18 Tori could take over.

"So that's a long time." She pouts looking at me like she did when we was younger.

I roll my eyes but don't say anything. She picks up my luggage and takes it to her car, i make sure I have everything i need. I go lock my door and follow her. We both enter the car as she drives off i decide to start the conversation.

"You haven't said much, so what's wrong?" I asked looking directly at her. She looks at me then back at the road.

"Nothing." She shrugs. I know something is really bothering her now.

"What is it babes. You know you can tell me." My voice sounding softer.

"I miss him, and your leaving me for more than a week and everything is falling apart."

"Pull over." She does what i say. I lean over close by her and hug her tightly.

"I know babes. I'm not leaving forever just a week or so, we can call each other everyday. Your going to become successful from the company, you'll be fine i promise." I kissed her forehead. "How about you dry your tears. Yea?" I tell her softly while moving her hair out of her face. Tori has always been important to me, she always comes first in everything.

She knows everything about me, my past, secrets anything. She's like my little sister. We understand each other better than anyone else. We have this bond, connection that no one can break no matter the circumstances. We will always been there for one another.

"I love you." I tell her as she drives off to the airport.

She laughs, and i smile. "I love you too dork." I roll my eyes.

"Wow, I'm the dork now." I mock her voice. She hits my arm.

"Shut up." We continue to talk until we get to the airport. She takes my luggage and walks inside with me and stays till my gate is called.

I hear the announcement for my gate, "I guess this is it." She says while latching herself onto me.

I smile and hug her tightly, "Don't worry babe, I'll check on you everyday. I won't be gone long." She nods and i laugh.

"Call me when you land!" She demands as we let go.

"I promise i will." She kisses my cheek and i leave to go to the plane.

I hand the woman at the gate my ticket and looked for my seat. I put my bags at the top and sat down in first class seat. Yes i had to be fancy and get a good seating.

"Everyone buckle your seatbelts as we're planning for takeoff. Enjoy your flight." The flight attendant lady says over the big intercom.

I buckle in my seatbelt and decide to take to read since the plane ride is only 3 hours. Yes i could have drove but i didn't feel up to it.

I think I've established that i love reading but I'm going to say it again. I love reading, it brings me a peace of mind. Especially being a Jamaican and Nigerian descent my skin is lightly darker than my parents together, reading has me in another world. Like if everything was perfect, nothing to worry about or if I'm getting discriminated.

I'm proud of myself and where i come from. I embrace my ethnicity and where i come from. My parents always taught me to love myself no matter what happens. To always embrace my blackness.

I get a flight attendant to brine a glass of champagne. Of course I'm going to drink it lightly. She brings me a glass and i tell her thank you. I didn't see anyone sit in front of me until I heard a deep voice.

"What are you celebrating?" I slightly jump at his voice.

He chuckles, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I shake my head, "It's fine. I'm not celebrating I'm enjoying a drink."

I take a sip, "I'm Kyle Green." I choke on my drink. I start coughing. He pats my back but i shake my head.

"I'm fine." I tried holding back a cough but failed miserably.

"What did you say your name was?" I question him.

"Kyle Green." Yep he's totally the son of Mora and her husband. "What's your name?" He asks back.

"Athena McCoy." His eyes went wide the same expression i had.

"Oh, so your the woman who's taking my family's pictures." I nod.

"That would be me." I pointed towards myself out of nervousness. I didn't realize how hot he was.

Snap out of it Athena.

He laughs, "Well when we get off the plane I'll show you around and help you get settled into your hotel room. As the meeting is later today." I nod feeling grateful.

"Thank you." I smile as i continue drinking my champagne.

"My pleasure." The flight attendant comes on the intercom and tells us to buckle up as where landing.

"Just follow me when we get off, I'll have my driver take you with me." I nod my head.

"Thank you, even though you don't have to do this." He shakes his head.

"It's no problem really." The plane lands and we both grab our bags and get off the plane.

I walk close by him, and i see him stand by a nice Ferrari with a man. I'm guessing he's the driver. He introduced me and Kyle takes me to the hotel to get me situated.

He seems nice and very friendly.

I'm in for a long ride with him.

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