Chapter 79: Epilogue - Five and Ten Years Later

Start from the beginning

"At least you have James." Tom says softly, and I do feel a smile blooming in my lips at the thought of my godson. "He brings you a lot of happiness."

"He is my little angel." I admit softly. 

James Sirius Potter is now a one year old, and he is my bright little star. I'm his godmother, both Harry and Ginny asked me right away because I mean so much to both of them. I'm always the first they ask to babysit or to just hang out with James, and frankly I see James almost as much as I see Tom these days because I love him so much. Ginny also just got signed to the Holyhead Harpies quidditch team, so she's very busy while Harry is a new Auror now, freshly out of his training years. My Runes Specialist apprenticeship position gives me weeks at a time at home, just studying, so I'm in a perfect position to watch over James whenever.

"Are you disappointed?" I ask my husband quietly while we lay together. "I couldn't give you children, I know how much you wanted them."

"I could never be disappointed with you, Abigail Black-Drake." He says firmly, lifting my chin so my eyes could meet his. I see the sincerity in his eyes as he is speaking. "I don't need children to be happy with you."

"But you were so looking forward to teaching them and guiding them." I whisper out sadly.

"There are others I can teach. Like James, or Teddy." He says truthfully. Teddy took an instant liking to Tom ever since he was a one year old, which never ceases to amaze me. Teddy is a ball of energy who is constantly changing his hair color to match whoever he is talking to, but with Tom he changes it to emerald green every time. I'm also godmother to Teddy, but since Remus's Ministry position allows him the freedom to mostly be a stay at home dad, I only really watch his now five year old self during the full moons when he comes and stays here and plays with Tom. 

"Actually... That is something I've been thinking about lately." He says hesitantly and I look at him curiously.

"What is? Teddy?" I ask in confusion.

"No, teaching." He says with a furrowed brow. "I am not... challenged much at my job anymore. It... well honestly it bores me, and I am finding it pointless." He admits and I nod in understanding. He got a couple of promotions, and while honorable, they took him out of the practical part of his position and placed him more on the committee side. He is always tired and slightly irritated once he gets off work because he has to debate pointless things during his day. "I was thinking I would like to teach someday."

"Well..." I say hesitantly. "That was your original goal when you were a young boy. We could reach out to Minnie and Snape, see if there's an opportunity at Hogwarts."

"You don't think they will hold my past against me, do you? I know my other self did awful things to that school, from cursing it to waging a war there." He is quiet as he worries.

"No, I don't think they will." I say quickly to reassure him. "They may watch over you, make sure you aren't being unfair to muggleborns or anything, but they've seen your progress these last 6 years since you were reborn. Heck, they were at our wedding! Let's reach out, just to get an idea, ok?"

"Do you think it a good idea?" He asks me in a soft voice. "If I got the job, I would be at the castle during the school year."

"Oh." I realize his meaning then and frown lightly. "I didn't think of that. I wouldn't get to see you much, especially with my travelling for work."

"We could... we could move to Hogsmeade." He says in contemplation after a while. "You mentioned the twins were expanding to there with a second joke shop, perhaps you could work from that location when you aren't in Romania. And that way, I could spend my weekends with you there. I wouldn't be a head of house, I wouldn't need to spend weekends on campus."

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