Chapter 3: Order of the Phoenix

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Shortly after the wedding, I was brought back to the Potter Manor to be watched by the senior Potter's while Dad had a meeting to go to. At first his words didn't connect to me, but mostly because he wasn't really talking to me when he said them. He was just muttering under his breath as he was packing things into my baby bag that morning, saying he needed to hurry or he'll be late for his first meeting. 

I was taken to my grandparents and then it struck me where he was going. He was joining the Order of the Phoenix today, or had already joined and this was his first meeting. I knew we were at war currently, that was why my mother had been killed, why the wedding was so small, and why I still needed to be carried covered with a cloak or a blanket while Dad took me in and out of his flat each time he took me anywhere. He was going to join the war effort today.

Dad came back hours later from the meeting beaming, a fire lit in his eyes. He was very confident he would do good in this war, I could see it made him happy to be doing something. I was beginning to wonder what he planned to do with me during his missions, but he just asked my grandparents to watch over me, and they agreed. I can't even crawl yet, so I'm fine being watched by the elderly couple, but they certainly wouldn't be able to watch a normal crawling or walking baby, they're too old. James and Lily offered to watch me when they aren't also on missions, so that was nice of them. Remus offered to watch me in our flat since he didn't have a home of his own and was actually staying with Lily and James. Thankfully, Peter didn't offer to watch me at all. He was always just around all the time. I've seen his arm though, he isn't a Death Eater yet right now.

I thought perhaps I would always be watched during the meetings too, but I was surprised when I was brought with to a meeting a few months after they all joined the Order.

"Black, this isn't a nursery, you shouldn't have brought a babe here." I hear a heavy Scottish accented voice say gruffly to my dad after we travelled through the Floo network. Dad didn't say where the destination was this time when we traveled, he only tapped his wand on the mantel of the fireplace in a series of knocks and we sped away to this new location. 

I turn my now seven month old body held in my dad's arms and saw a terrifying looking man with an eye bulging out of his socket staring down at me. This could only be May-Eye Moody, just younger, but no less terrifying. What was surprising was he was probably only about eight or nine years older than Dad, I thought he was much older than that. Also, he was a very large and intimidating man. He was as tall as Uncle Remus, but built as strong as James and Dad are.

"Sorry, Moody. The senior Potter's have a cold, I couldn't leave her there. She won't be trouble though, she's a quiet baby." Dad says confidently, and I notice the haughty arrogance he usually has in public is in effect. I'm thankful I get the sweet, dorky Dad at home, though I can tell he and I will get along with our arrogance. I was certainly known for mine in the last two lives, I don't see it going away anytime soon.

"Oh, Alastor, she'll be quite fine." A very motherly voice sounded out, walking over and standing in front of me after shooing off Moody. "She's a small little darling, about the age of my two youngest, though a far cry calmer than them, I can tell." I take in the red hair and humble appearance, but the loving motherly smile, and I know exactly who this woman is and I grin at her. "Now let's have a look at you." Mrs. Weasley says kindly to me, bending down to my level in Dad's arms. I smile up at her broadly, reaching a little arm out towards her which she takes and shakes lightly. "Oh yes, she's much calmer than my twins. You're doing a very good job, Sirius, very good job indeed." She says while beaming at Dad with a look of surprise, and he puffs up with pride at the praise.

"Enough of this, we have a meeting." Moody interjects, and we all move into the large living room area of whoever's house this is. 

Dad joins the already seated Marauders and Lily, setting me up in his lap so I can thankfully see everyone. I'm so happy I can sit up now and support my own head, the first year of each resurrection is always so difficult for me while my body learns to be a functioning body.

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