Chapter 76: Epilogue - Bill & Fleur's Wedding

Start from the beginning

"I can't say I'm not surprised, you're good at that." He says genuinely. "Does he treat you well?"

"Yes, he treats me like a Queen." I answer honestly. "Just like I know you would have done, too." I add quietly, and he turns to face me fully. "You know... for so long there, I really just assumed I would have ended up with you. Apparently everyone assumed that. I had a huge crush on you for years, and I love who you are, and you've always brought a warmth to my heart. I've loved you for  along time." I confess to him, having spent years genuinely believing that and still having a small bit of guilt that our future changed recently. "But I know now that I'm not..."

"In love with me." He finishes for me abruptly. "Well, can't say I'm not disappointed." He stands up then, and I think he's going to walk away, leaving the conversation at that abrupt end. He hesitates for a moment though before offering me his hand. "Dance with me?"

I grin softly at him and place my hand in his, "Anytime."

He leads me to the dance floor and we share a waltz. I look fondly into his eyes, eyes that used to make me blush but now just make me feel comfortable and safe. I care for him, and it's not familial love like how I care for all the other Weasley's, but it's also not romantic, not anymore. I've grown up with him and always admired his drive and passion, and he's someone I always sought to be around, someone I naturally gravitate to. I had looked forward to our little forest adventures during my first two years at Hogwarts just as much as I looked forward to the twins and I's next pranks. Charlie has always been a source of happiness to me, but it's not the same as the happiness I get from Tom. 

As we finish our waltz, Charlie takes one final look over at Tom, who unsurprisingly was watching us dance with a guarded expression.

"I wish you the best with him, Abby. I hope he loves as much as I have." Charlie says softly as he places a kiss on my cheek before standing to his full height, which isn't much taller than me. He nods to Tom behind me in acceptance before he walks off to join one of his brothers. I turn to go join my love once again but see he is already behind me.

"May I have this dance?" Tom asks me hesitantly, his hand outstretched.

"Of course, my love." I say softly, and he assumes a waltz position but his hands aren't quite right. "You've never danced before, have you?" I ask in a whisper, no hint of teasing in my tone as his ears turn red in embarrassment.

"Beyond our one time in the Konoha realm, no, I haven't." He admits in a mumble, which I find absolutely adorable. I correct his hands subtly, and allow him to start to lead, but secretly guide him to the right movements. He can tell what I'm doing, but if anyone else saw us it would look like Tom is leading. "So that was Charlie?" He asks idly once he gets the hang of the waltz.

"That was Charlie." I agree softly. I help ease some of the jealousy I can see in his eyes by standing up a little taller to steal a kiss as we swayed together. "I still choose you, Tom." I whisper against his lips, "I love you, and I'm in love with you."

"You are a beautiful person, Abigail." Tom breathes out to me, our dance nearly forgotten as we just hold each other and sway. "Inside and out, you are truly brilliant. I would almost ask if you were settling by being with me, but I have learned over the years enough about you that you would never settle for anything."

"That is incredibly true, I'm very selfish and stubborn with impossibly high standards." I grin at him for his words. "And you aren't giving yourself enough credit, Tom. You are loving, intelligent, handsome, brave, and powerful. All things I'm very attracted to. I'm proud to be with you." I kiss him again as he smiles at me during my admiration of him.

"Move in with me." He blurts out after the kiss. I raise my eyebrow at him for the sudden topic. "I want to live with you, but I want to do so in a place that is ours. I want to get a home together with you." I feel my breath hitch and my lips part at his sincerity. Then a grin blossoms across my face and I hold him tightly in a hug.

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