Chapter 10 - Spilled Coffee and New Enemies

Start from the beginning

Today marked a week of school. I have survived, and I'm doing pretty well. I of course had a few assignments to do, and a few projects to make, but things are looking up.

I grab my backpack, and slam my locker door shut. The noise is drowned out by the loud chatter of all the students nearby. Nobody even turns to look at me. I guess my novelty of being the new kid has worn off.

I grip the straps tighter, and calmly walk to chemistry. I still have ten minutes before class, so I could stop at the bathroom, redo my make-up, and still make it in time for class.

My shoes make a quiet thump against the floor, and I stare at my phone, mindlessly scrolling through my messages. Unfortunately, due to my lack of concentration, I bump into something.

I hear a loud scream, and someone topple over. My phone has fallen out of my hands, and is laying face down on the tile. I reach for it, and grab it off the floor.

Yes. No cracks.

"Excuse me?"

I look up to see a girl with brown hair helping up another girl. I can see that coffee has been spilled all over her. 

I quickly get up, realizing I'm the reason she's drenched in coffee.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" 

There are five girls in front of me. They're all giving me a dirty look, eying me up and down. I feel my heart beat faster, and my breathing speeds up. My palms begin to sweat, and my whole body feels like it's on fire.


I gulp, and back away slowly.

"I'll clean it up. You guys can go."


They all spin around to see Luke standing behind them. He's smiling. How Luke, please. Share your secrets with me.

He repeats himself. "You guys can go to class, I'll clean it up."

One of the girls with green eyes gives Luke a sympathetic look.

"No Luke, it's okay. She should clean it up. She's the one who ran into Lia."

Luke is calm, and turns to her. "I'll make her stay and help me. You guys can go. Honestly, it's fine. I really don't mind."

The girl I ran into earlier shifts her body towards Luke. "That's doesn't seem fair though. It's her fault I'm drenched in my latte."

Luke sighs. "Please you guys. I promise, I really don't mind."

The girls all throw me one last look, and turn away from me, heading in the opposite direction.

Once they've all turned the corner, Luke begins to laugh. I stand there, frozen. What is happening?

"Why are you laughing?" I ask as my eyes widen in surprise.

After a few seconds, he eventually calms himself down enough to begin to form words.

"I'm sorry it's just" he pause for a second to let out another round of laughter. "The look on her face was priceless. She tries to look threatening when she's mad, but she just ends up looking like she's choking on something."

I smile.

"You're Hailey, right? Zander has told me a bit about you. You're his sister?"

"Wow, Zander talks about me? I thought he's irritated by everything I do."

Luke's eyes widen. "No way. I didn't get that impression at all. He spoke really highly of you. He told me you were one of the best things that ever happened to him."

I pause for a second. Zander saying I'm one of the best things that ever happened to him? No way. Not in a million years.

"Are you sure you were talking to Zander? Did he look like some sort of angry grape?"

Luke grins. "Yeah, he's definitely your brother. And yes, he did look like an angry grape."

We share a moment of laughter, but its interrupted by the bell.

"Oh well. We're going to be late to class." Luke states as she takes out he slips his phone out of his pocket to check the time.

"We'd better get the paper towels then."

Luke looks up from his phone, and slides it back into his pocket.

"I'll show you the way to the janitors closet. Follow me".

Luke gestures me to follow him, and we speed walk down the hallways, racing each other. I win, and Luke chuckles, throwing open the closet door.

After about fifteen minutes, the mess has been cleaned up, and Luke offers to walk me to my class. I accept.

When we do arrive near the classroom, I thank Luke for his help, and he happily tells me it was no problem.

Just as I turn away from him however, he stops me.


I jolt around. He opens his mouth, and begins to try to form words, but decides against it. He shuts his mouth, but reopens it a few moments later.

"Can you ask your brother if he wants to hang out this weekend?"

I smile.

"Yeah, of course. I'll see you tomorrow."

Luke waves, and turns his body away from me, and I watch him turn the corner.

I suddenly get the feeling that Luke may just have something he wants to tell me, and whatever it is, I get the feeling it has something to do with Zander.

In My Shoes | The Music Freaks AU | A Jailey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now