Munson's & Problems - Book Two

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Chapter Nineteen 

(For context: we are picking were episode 9 of the show is starts after the time skip. Also I'll be keeping everything that happened in season 4 the same, so yes that does mean that Jason and Eddie are still dead, along with the 3 Vecna deaths, and Max being in a coma)

——Y/n's POV—

"Dear diary, these last few days have been terrible. Jason and many others have died due to the earthquake a few days ago. Also, remember the Byres, well they moved back, so finally I get to see Jane again! But it feels weird talking to Jane again without Max... Anyways! Jane's dad (police chief Hopper) is back, but I have no idea how he survived the fire at Starcourt. Me and Steve haven't been talking at all recently. Like just the other day I saw him the other day at the grocery store and I tried to say hi to him but he looked at me with a sad look on his face and walked away. Did I do something wrong? Is this Steve's confusing way of saying that he hates me? Just what is going on with Steve. Now I have to go, Dustin, me, and the others are going out to help out the people who were displaced by the earthquake. Bye for now" I wrote down in my diary.

I walked over to my closet and threw on a pair of jeans that I didn't mind getting dirty and an old grey sweater that I also didn't care if it got dirty. I grabbed my purse and walked out to the driveway where we were loading up the cars. In Robin's car there was tons of boxes plus Nancy and Steve. Then in my car I had Jane, Will, Mike, and Dustin along with the mountain of boxes that we had to load in.

*Everyone loaded into their respective cars and drove off to the school. Now at the school, you and Dustin were dropping of boxes and saw Eddie's uncle putting up a new missing poster for Eddie*

"Hey Mr. Munson, can I talk to you for a second" Dustin asked Eddie's uncle as me and Dustin walked over to him.

"Sure" Mr. Munson said as he sat down.

*Dustin told Mr. Munson that Eddie died and gave him Eddie's necklace. After that, you and Dustin went back out to your car and waited for the others to finish up their last round of box drop off*

"Y/n, Eddie asked me to give you this" Dustin said as he handed me the necklace that Eddie had given me.

"Dustin... I can't..." I said as I handed the necklace back to Dustin.

*Dustin took the necklace back and put in his pocket as the others came out and got into your car. Everyone got in the car and you started to drive home*

——Dustin's POV—

"Should I tell her what Eddie's last words were... I mean I did tell Steve what they were and he did tell me not to tell her. I still can't believe that even in his final moments he was only thinking about his love for Y/n..." I thought to myself while Y/n continued to drive home.

"Y/n, how are you holding up after everything?" I asked Y/n.

"Dustin I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me" Y/n told me.

"Okay... but if you ever want to talk I'm here for you" I said to Y/n.

*You continued to drive and then you finally arrived home. Everyone got out of the car and went home. You and Dustin went inside and popped on a movie. Later after you two finished watching practically every movie in the house you went to bed. As you went to sleep that night you had the feeling that Eddie was still out there*

——Y/n's POV—

*Four weeks later, it's now June in Hawkins, and you are still 19 years old*

I woke up that morning thinking about Jason. I know that he planned on killing Eddie, but Jason didn't deserve to die. I grabbed my diary and started writing down my updates, along with my plans for the day.

"Dear diary, I learned a month ago that Eddie is dead. Everyone knew he was dead but his uncle held out hope that Eddie was alive. I feel just terrible for Dustin, I know that Eddie died right in front of him. Even though I might've hated Eddie the last few days he was on this Earth, but I can't overlook the impact he had on Dustin's life. And for that I can't help but miss him a bit. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Gareth didn't deserve to lose their friend like that. Also I'm planning to go talk with Nancy today. Other than that there's nothing else to update you on, so bye for now" I wrote down in my diary.

*You threw on a pair of shorts and a sweater, and then you drove to Nancy's house. You got out of your car and knocked on the door, Nancy answered and led you inside to her bedroom*

"Y/n what's wrong? You look worried" Nancy told me.

"Nancy, do you remember when I had that date with Eddie last month..." I asked Nancy.

"Yeah I do, but go on" Nancy told me.

"Well me and Eddie... you know... did that, and I haven't had my period this month. But I should've already got it, and it's not like I'm a day late or something... I'm two weeks late..." I explained to Nancy.

"Y/n do you want to go buy a test?" Nancy asked me.

"Yes! Please Nancy, I don't want to do this alone" I told Nancy.

*You and Nancy got in your car, drove to the store, bought the test, and drove back to your house. You entered the bathroom at your house and took the test while Nancy waited in the hallway for you. You walked out and waited for the results to come in. After the waiting time was up you asked Nancy to look at it for you*

"Y/n... it's positive. You're... you're pregnant..." Nancy told me.

*You hugged Nancy whilst crying and then Dustin walked out of his room and saw you*

"Y/n are you okay?! Nancy why is she crying?!" Dustin asked us.

"Dusty, you're going to be an uncle again..." I told him.

*Dustin hugged you and asked you to explain. You explained everything, and to your surprise Dustin wasn't mad, he was actually very happy for you. The three of you talked the night away. One of the funniest conversations that happened that night was probably when Nancy and Dustin trying to figure out who would be the better aunt/uncle. You went to bed that night happy, but later that night when you were asleep you had the feeling that Eddie was out there, somewhere...*

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