Hell Sirens-Act 6.5

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~Leafy POV~

I let go.

You can tell me whether it was selfish or not, and I won't bother to listen. Because it wouldn't have mattered. I pulled my hand from the fence's logs, and dropped.

But I'm stupid.

I'm so, so stupid.

Leaves don't drop, they don't sink.

They float, and that's exactly what happened. I floated down to the ground. All I am is tired, discouraged, and a failure.

So you failed.

Shut up.

Don't you want to see your friends?

You're going to kill them, right?



They're going to kill you for me.

I walk away. Her voice drones in the back of my mind, I'm able to keep it a bit under control now.

I decide to explore the hotel, there are 3 large buildings. A-K, L-Z. The final one is full of empty rooms. It's almost haunting. I purse my lips, and begin to walk though the 1st building.

The first name is, oddly enough, Balloony. My memory burns of something, just out of reach so I can't remember it. My eyes drift over the rest, names I know, but I can't remember anything about. One catches my eye.

A friend of mine, I guess?

Should I call her that, after all that happened?

But still, why does she get a room?

A small Golfball Icon rests peacefully on the door. Almost too innocent. Almost too kind.

My vision blurs, as I catch something grab my arm. Harshly, like they know I struggle.

~Unknown POV~

The knife is cold in my grasp, but her skin feels colder. Her eyes dart for a moment.

End her suffering.

The voice begs again in my mind. I shiver in the cold and push open the door. She doesn't remember what she did, so she fears me. But she shouldn't, I'm doing what's best.

You are.


I plunge the knife into her stomach, curling my teeth around it. She barely struggles. It's best I got here early, even if the invitation said later.

I push her to the end of the room, and toss the knife askew.

My heart quickens. I'm making a good decision. If she was still alive she could tell everyone. She could let them know what I did.

What... What we did.



I'm not entirely to blame.

She encouraged me.

Those emerald eyes.

Nodding with approval.

And now they wouldn't torment my dreams anymore.

I could rest peacefully.

With the screaming monsters in my basement, barely making a whisper to my ears.

Like tinnitus.


Now go.

Go where?

It's time to wait.

For... For everyone else?

They'll be here soon.


Why are you stuttering.

I just murdered something! Murder isn't easy!

Murder is easy.


Deciding to murder is hard.

I groan, and kick the wall violently. The thin wall splits unceremoniously, creating a hairline fracture in the wallpaper.

Leafy was dead.

But I had made my decision.

I was never going to die.

Never again.

-500 Words. I feel like my work is getting worse, but the good news is that the story is ending soon, so I can end it and never look back!-

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