Three Tortured Souls-Act 2 Finale

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~Unknown POV~

Subject 1 has progressed nicely. The new limb attachments were reacting negatively with their emotional health, but they have gotten used to it. On another note, Subject 3 has lost consciousness.

Their red hue has been leaking out of their containment, and that has been getting everywhere. It stains too. But the limbs I tried connecting were nonfunctional, so I have removed them.

Subject 2 is being moved into a secure facility. They will be alone, and do not function well with the oil tanks. I have to instead use a sort of filament. I'm glad that they're reacting well with the new eyes, I could install as many as twelve. I restrain myself to not remove Subject 3's eyes for this, they work too well with the mental tests.

The mental tests have worked wonders to two of the Subjects. 1 and 3.

Experiment 6, Drowning: Paper begins to fold under the pressure of the water. She screamed under the feeling of fear, and Subject 1 was released for a few seconds before being submerged again. This was a failure, she did not use the limbs to swim.

Experiment 17, Cacophony: The loud bleeding noises echo throughout the container. Screeching records of her old life drowning out her pleas to be let out. Subject 3 could only withstand 12 minutes in the chamber. This was a failure, she did not calm herself. We have sewn her mouth shut.

Experiment 11, Disruption: She attempted to break into a signal several rooms away. It took approximately 46 seconds before the pencil was moved. Success, Subject 2 yielded to the training and managed correctly. Must be moved to separate area.

Experiment 15, Climbing: Forced to climb up ladders to reach rations for week. The bars were heated up every five minutes until task completion, then she must climb down the wall. Subject 1 succeeded after 43 hours. Bar temperature increased by 129 degrees. Proceed until blisters disappear.

Experiment 1, Forget:

Wipe your memory.

You don't recognize those people.

Its all just a lie.

You won't hurt them.

You won't hurt yourself.

You will hurt me.

So you will help me? Right?

"Im only trying to help!"

"I don't want to believe that!"

"Just stop!"


~Pin POV~

The island is mostly dormant. Aside from the strange breaks in the walls, furniture, and windows. I sit in waiting as Coiny and Needle search the Front Desk again. Firey was tasked with searching the basement levels of the hotel with Loser. I almost feel lonely, but I disregard it. But I am jealous of Needle for some reason. Its utterly irrational, but... I wish that I was like her. She's so... confident, and ready to stand up for what she believes in. I guess that's why I stood up and took action when... Flower passed.

Golfball has been making precautions to make sure we don't lose anybody, and I trust she's found a solution to our woes. But that's wishful thinking I suppose. I just have to hope so. My thoughts are interrupted by a disgruntled Teardrop walking towards the door to the front desk.

"Hey Teardrop." I hold my hand up as an act of kindness, and she grips it as I raise it. She's so scared looking, what... what happened?

"What's wrong?" She tears me up and drags me towards the hotel building. I follow her along the winding paths towards her hotel room. We arrive in the elevator, and Teardrop is still mortified. My mind can't seem to function. Whats...

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