Mournful Cameraderie-Act 4.5

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~Leafy POV~

I feel my skin crinkling up. Fall is approaching, usually it doesn't effect me. I don't know why it is now.

All I wish is that I could take back all the things I've done. Me and Her. I could have stopped her. I could have knocked some sense into her.

I don't know why I helped her.

No, I know why I helped her.

She framed it as if I was helpful to them. That first time, I didn't coerce them. I... I just encouraged her. I was there.

You were there.

I did nothing.

Nothing to prevent it.

Nothing to continue it.

You should have talked to Firey.

Firey couldn't have understood.

You liar.


Firey would have understood you.


I remember when the stress got worse.

Firey was still there for you.

Did I ever care to ask how he felt?

He loved you.

No... He stopped coming.

You locked the door.

He didn't love me.

I could see him coming to your house.


One time. He brought flowers.

No he didn't. He never gave me flowers.

He thought you wouldn't like them.

I love flowers.

Did you love Firey?


He still cares about you, sits alone in his condo... Thinking about you.

Stop telling me lies.

I have never lied to you.

You lied when you said she kept going.

She did.


She kept going after you hung up.


That's why I'm mad.

I understand.

You deserted your friends for a pipe dream.

Did they even still like me?

That's no reason to do the things you did.


I sit up off the floor and begin to walk about the place. I can't let her get in my head. No matter what she does, no matter what she says.

Hmm. There's not much I can do. Maybe try climbing the wall? They did that a while back, just walked up it.

I set my foot on a ridge of the door. I'm weak, I'm regretting eating just an onion. I stuff my arm in-between the boards of the door and pull in. The door seems to stretch higher as I drag myself up.

I have to get up. For myself. For... For Firey. I swallow my pride and keep pushing. No matter what she says. I'm better than I used to be, better than I was a year ago. Better than I was when I accepted the deal.

I... my head rackets. My arms feel weak, my hands feel like they're burning. I feel like I've made no progress, but when I look down I'm terribly high up.


If I dropped down now... I wouldn't have to worry about this anymore. I... I wouldn't be abandoning everyone. Would I? No. Nobody would care. Everyone hates me anyway.

I let myself hang slack, at this point... My heart patters in my throat. I wedge my leg out and hold on tighter.


Would this be it?

Do I hope so?

-500 words, CLIFF HANGER!!!-

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