Plan my Escape-Act 1

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~Pin POV~

I'm not one for sentimental moments. I find them a bit uncomfortable, but if theres one person who can make me feel comfortable in stressful situations. That's Coiny. But even Coiny couldn't help me escape from this personal hell.

Leafy... Leafy had been murdered. There was no way to get her back. Everyone shared scared and teary eyed expressions. There was no more hope... Except... hmm.

"Let's leave the resort, and we can purchase a recovery center from Yellow Face." I suggest, everyone's face's quickly light up. Everyone quickly piles out of the room, leaving just me, Coiny, GB and TB. They're always together. And me and Coiny are pretty much always together too.

"Why are you two staying here?" Coiny asks, I nod and look to Golfball.

"I have to move the body. This is where i'll be sleeping after all." Golfball reminded me this was her room. I looked to Coiny and cringed.

"You can sleep in my room Golfball." Tennis Ball suggested, but Golfball waved it away.

"Your room is a person with epilepsy's worse nightmare." Golfball looked to her monochrome room. I winced at remembering Tennis Ball's strobing nightmare of a room.

"You have epilepsy?" Coiny asked.


"Oh... awkward..."

I looked around the room. It was pretty simplistic, which Golfball seemed to like. Me and Needle explored rooms together while Coiny and Firey had a "friendly discussion" and our rooms were deathtraps. I guess it makes sense Leafy didn't design these, but if he didn't... who did?

~Teardrop's Perspective~

Teardrop walked down the stairs, all she had to do was locate the exit to the resort. She first checked the perimeter with Taco.

"So... Leafy's dead. Pretty crazy right?" Taco chuckled, Teardrop deadpanned, "Sorry. Uhhh... what do you like to talk about." Taco asked, and Teardrop raised her eyebrows as to say 'What do you think I talk about?"

"Oh, sorry, again." Taco sighed, "Listen TD. I barely know any of these people. I just can't relate to them."

Teardrop nodded.

"Do you feel the same?" Taco asked her, Teardrop nodded. She pulled out a pen and paper and drew Gelatin and Lollipop.

"Yeah, It's just... for me... it feels like theres nobody I can talk to." Taco stared at the notebook she used to draw for a second. "Except... Book."

Before they knew it they had circled the entire perimeter. Taco gave a small thank you to Teardrop for hanging out with her.

Okay... time to return to Golfball with the info.

~Loser POV~

I just got back from talking to the Freesmarts. They were the same as usual, all except for Bubble, who looked remarkably sad. Leafy's death is probably weighing hard on her. But once we find our way out, it'll be great.

I'm checking the front desk, but that's really all it is. Theres a snack cabinet with some extra goopy treats, but no exits. I continue to look, only to uncover more mystery.

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