Rain Dance-Act 6

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~Loser's Perspective~

Loser's icy cold hands gripped Coiny's for seemingly dear life. To their dismay there was no more food. It's what they had assumed, but now... Now it was evident.

"... There's always cannibalism." Coiny laughs awkwardly, and Loser stares at him disapprovingly, "Sorry... All that means is we have to get out of here in 2 weeks or less."

"2 weeks isn't enough." Loser let go of Coiny's hand, "2 weeks just... Isn't enough." He wipes his eyes softly, and glances up. The back of his hand felt odd, he picked at the dark black skin. It's... It's loose?

His skin peeled off painlessly and Coiny watched in horror as inches of flesh peeled off. Like a train crash, he couldn't pull his head away.

"No... No blood?" Loser whispered faintly.

"STOP PICKING AT IT!" Coiny grabbed Loser's hand and pulled him outside his room, "Let's go to GB! Get this bandaged up." His mind was of one wavelength, he couldn't bear to think of anything but the present. Not the future, not the past. He had to keep moving forward.

"We don't need to do that." Loser's voice seemed ethereal for a moment, "Coiny, can you hear me?" He sounded vaguely calm, but instead of calming Coiny down, it just scared the shit out of him.

"Stop that!" He looked back, Loser's face was dark, "W-we have to help you." Golfball's room was on the second floor, he pulled Loser into the elevator and they paused for a few seconds.

"Loser, I heard the same thing happened to Pencil, before... Before she left." Coiny leaned up against the wall, his eyes shifting on the floor, "I get that everyone has to go sometime on this horrible island... But I don't want it to be you!" He turned up, his eyes were watery with tears.

"Then... Make it yourself." Loser smiled grimly, "Be like Teardrop. She set an amazing example!" Loser laughed emptily under his breath. The elevator door opened, but nobody moved. All was silent.

"Should... Should I?" The second floor was fairly high up, it seemed to wane over the path, "I mean... Pin and Needle are..." Tears dropped from his eyes, mixing with the salty rain.

"Coiny. Be helpful." Loser's face became deathly pale, "I can help you. If you aren't ready yet." Loser's smile stretched to the ends of his face. Coiny looked out into the nothing. The dead people seemed to surround him, urging him to jump.

"Coiny, it's the end. Now it's time to forgive yourself." Flower.

"Nobody would care if you did it. Save her the trouble of killing you." Pencil.

"You sent me back to Moitch and Poincel while they were arguing, it's time to give oip." Bubble.

"You left me. You didn't bother to look for me, now I'm dead, and it's all your fault." Tennisball.

"..." Teardrop.

"You don't care to listen to anybody but yourself, We're gone... It's all your fault." Needle.

"Coiny. Don't resist, it will only cause us more pain." Pin.




"Jump?" The words fell from his mouth softly, "I... I should jump."

He pushed himself over the railing.


You know when people say that your life flashes before your eyes when you almost die?


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