Utterly Stupid Failure-Act 3

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~Pin POV~

"Match! Match! What the hell?" I rushed to where Match was groveling on the floor, "You killed Bubble!" Match wouldn't sit up, she lie there in disbelief.

"I..." Match stammered. I was mad, but somewhere deep inside... I really pitied her. She probably feels the same as I did when we found Leafy's corpse.

"I killed my friend. No... I killed my friends!" Match sits up in terror, "Nobody's going to trust me anymore. Nobody's going to care about me!" Match curls up in fear, and I can't help but offer something.

"I won't tell anybody you killed her, just as long as you help out Loser's group." I thought for a moment, "We need more people to help look for exits and info." I reconsider the offer for a moment, this is selfish, but... if we can get Leafy back... then that's all I need.

"O-okay." Match slowly pushes herself up and wipes off the paint, "I'll help you guys." She wipes the tears from her face and looks to the remains of Pencil, who's face is frozen in agony. Match winces and looks back to me. I look to Teardrop, her face is nothing short of terrified.

"Teardrop. It wasn't your fault." I offer a hand, just like Coiny would have done, "This was out of our control." I sigh, and remember that moment in the pool from so long ago. Almost 2 weeks ago. If only I had known, or said my goodbyes. Pencil's eyes are lifeless, and tear stricken. I can't help but glance away. Teardrop takes my hand, and I smile halfheartedly.

"Let's tell everyone about Pencil's death now. It will only hurt them more to not know." Match looks down and grabs her arm, I nod and we exit the room.

There's sure to be more loss, but if we find a way out, we can save everyone.

That's the least I can hope for.

~Taco's Perspective~

Everyone sat in silence, the cold snack bar seats shuddering in the wind. Golfball looked down, almost in guilt, Tennis Ball seemed to stare off into space, as if he wasn't really there at all. Pin looked to Coiny, who was looking around in a sort of confusion.

"This is bad." Golfball couldn't even pick up her chalk, "If Pencil and Bubble died, that means we'll be losing more than just one person per week. And if I couldn't prevent Pencil's death, it's likely unavoidable." Golfball looked to Teardrop, who was shaking in fear.

"The other bad thing is, Teardrop can't audibly tell us what happened. So if we are to keep people in groups, we must keep a close eye on them with more than one person." Golfball looked out to the crowd and then to TennisBall, who was still spacing out, "What is your idea TennisBall?" Golfball asked, and TennisBall continued to look around.

"Hello?" She waved her foot in his face, and his quickly turned to stare at her.

"Are you talking to me?" TennisBall looked out into the crowd, continuing to hold an empty expression, "I don't even know who you are." TennisBall tilted his head and sat down.

"What?" Golfball asked, "Yes you do. I've known you for years." She walks up to him in concern, and TennisBall squirmed away from her.

"No, I don't." TennisBall looked out into the crowd for a few seconds, and seemed to question a few things, "And what did you call me?" TennisBall stared at Golfball, and then down to his feet.

"TennisBall. That's your name." Golfball looks to her side.

"Wait... Did you lose your memory?"

~Match POV~

Pin had called me over to talk about something, other than TennisBall's strange behavior at the meeting which Golfball had been talking to him about, nothing much had happened today. I was confused as to why Pin had called me over.

"So... What's, like, going on?" I looked to Pin and Coiny in confusion. He was dazed and confused, and his eyes darted back and forth between the two of us.

"Coiny... doesn't remember anything." Pin looked to me and then back to Coiny who gave a shallow nod. I couldn't process the words for a few seconds. Coiny forgot his memory, this couldn't have been a coincidence. The same thing that afflicted Flower and caused her episodes was now afflicting two people.

"So... Coiny, your best friend of forever, doesn't remember you?" I looked between the two of them, and my gaze shifted back to Coiny, his eyes were hollow.

"Yes." Pin has reverted to being as frozen as a statue. Coiny blinked slowly, as if trying to pry memories out of a now empty mind. I thought for a few moments. Huh... it's like this was... planned... somehow.

"So Coiny and TennisBall are both suffering from amnesia?" I ask and sit down on the moist seats near the pool, Pin carefully took Coiny's hand as if to keep him on a leash; She then sat down across from me. He looked around for a few seconds before pulling out a chair for himself.

"Certainly TennisBall, but there might be others." Pin leaned her head onto her hand, "It's just... what if this is a sign that Coiny's next to leave us?" She looked to him in concern and sucked in a cold breath. I couldn't help but imagine that to be true. Coiny and TennisBall had been acting strangely. Just like Flower and... Just like Flower. I understand her concern.

"There's got to be things we can do to prevent his death." I reach my hand over and grab Coiny's other hand.

"Are you girls talking about me?" Coiny furrows his eyebrows in concern which makes Pin lunge upwards in surprise, "Huh?" Pin sits back down calmly and nods.

"Coiny... I really don't want to lose you." Pin hugged Coiny strongly.

"I don't even know who you are."

"I... I know."

~Needle's Perspective~

"I feel like I was missed last chapter... weird."

-1000 words, Oh no! Next chapter won't be so heavy, so yeah...-

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